Monday, November 3, 2008

See you soon!

Oct. 30
Let me make you laugh a minute. It is embarrassing but funny. Yesterday we had just returned from our friends where we had been swimming. Josh was pulling the van in and I was going to get out of the van to shut the gate. There were about 20 kids being too bold and coming in our yard. As I got out of the van to scold them my wrapper/skirt fell off! The kids gasped. I had my bathing suit on underneath but the kids didn’t know that. I wanted to say don’t worry it is just my bathing suit and show them but I knew that wouldn’t help – just scare them probably (they don’t know what a bathing suit is). I caught my skirt so it didn’t fall all the way down thankfully. Oh what they must be saying about me. How embarrassing.

I think I will wrap things up. We have one week until we travel to Kampala. Tim, Angie and family arrived in Uganda last night and will be in Soroti tomorrow. It will be a quick few days with them before we go. We fly a week from Sunday to London then to Malta where we have a three day retreat. What a blessing! It is through Christian Hospitality Network. They do it somewhere different every year just to treat missionaries. We are excited and thankful for the break in the flight schedule. November 13 we fly into Chicago. MI here we come!

Thanks for all your prayers as we prepare and travel home. I will just warn you that my blog will be pretty boring the next four months. I will either be taking a break or too busy. See you soon!

Nov. 3
You know me I just had to add a little. Tim, Angie and family came back Friday and now I am a mix of emotions. It makes it so hard to leave. We are still excited to go yet sad to leave them. They are trying to adjust back and it isn't easy. I am glad we are here for them. Our kids have been playing non stop. They are so happy to see eachother again. We have been together a lot these last precious days.
Pray for their daughter Avalien. She has a real hard time with change and so we pray God comforts her as we leave. Pray that Tim and Angie have a renewed calling and strength to serve here. Pray for all of us as we say goodbye to each other. Pray for us in our last couple days and as we travel. Thanks everyone!


Kelly said...

I just have to say that I own a few of those wrap-skirts too from my days in Fiji. Well, same/similar thing happened to me though mine DID fall to the ground and I wasn't wearing a bathing suit under it! So I feel your pain!

Jennifer said...

I was speaking at a church on a sunday morning here in the states shortly after returning when my wrap hung up on a chair as I was walking up to the puplit! The good news is I was having trouble adjusting to January in MI so I had shorts on under but it was a rather consiverative reformed church! The look on the pastors face didn't help much!

Anonymous said...

Haha how embarrassing! I'm glad you caught it though! have you heard about the christian hospitality networks that let you meet up with Christians all over the world?