Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Living Proof


This is one big reason I vote pro life!!!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Waiting in Michigan...

Hello from Michigan - still!  Our kids commented the other week that this is the longest they have ever been in Michigan and the first time they have ever seen all four seasons.  This blog is a snap shot of a few of the blessing in the waiting.  I decided to start with the most recent pictures and work our way back.  

Fall time in Michigan is so beautiful!  I just can't get enough of the awesome colors. 
 I am constantly praising my Creator for His amazing creativity and beauty!

Grace's 15th Birthday!

We thank God for Grace and all her joy, silliness, singing, dancing, her love for her baby brother and a whole lot more!  We love her for who she is and God does too.

Sweet little pumpkin!

Josh's new hunting blind.  Luka did his first youth hunt with Josh.  They didn't get a deer but saw a bear!  Eight days later Josh was driving up North to preach and another bear ran across the road in front of him!  Since then his parents have seen two bears.  Guess we don't have to go to the Smokie Mountains to see bear anymore.

Our FIC directors came up to MI to be with us for a long weekend.  It was their first time to Michigan and we were so thankful to be able to take them to Mackinaw Island and the Grand Hotel.  What a treat!

Getting ready for the evening at the Grand.

So Cute!

Oh Luka!

Makai fell asleep at the fancy dinner, at the fort, and bike riding around the island.

Dancing after dinner was a highlight for the girls.  It was precious seeing Josh dance with his girls.  They had so much fun!  Several people came up and told us we had a wonderful family and wondered if they girls take dance lessons.  No lessons just enjoying dancing with dad.  What a memory.

Riding bikes around the island is so much fun and so beautiful.

Dune on Lake MI this summer

The younger kids and I enjoyed a trip to the zoo before school started and loved the amazing legos all around the zoo.

Fun times in McBain

Lots of summer fun at G&G's lake!

Finally, got to go to Cedar Point and ride the roller coasters with my kids!

Makai turned 6 months this summer.

Luka did football camp and won first place for punt, pass and kick.
Way to go Buddy! 

Lydia turned 17 this summer!  We love Lydia and her Heavenly Father does too!
I am thankful for her and her love for school, photography, painting, reading, and fashion.