Monday, August 20, 2007

15 April 2007

The rain continues and we have used the blanket on our bed more than we did our whole four years in Mahula. How nice. However, the mud isn't so nice. (How do I manage to always find something to complain about?)

One of the Bible School students invited us to his church so we went today. It is near our house so we could walk – that is nice. I liked the church. It was simple, orderly, and timely. Josh preached and gave a great sermon on how Jesus did his part in dying and rising and we are to do our part by making disciples. The student, Basil, did a nice job of leading the service. The churches pastor is Pastor George. He is a really friendly guy. They invited us to come back for lunch. So we went home, gave the girls a nap, then returned for lunch.

I am so impressed with this Pastor George. He is easy to talk with, fun, and serves the Lord. They gave us a wonderful meal, rice and such. Pastor George and his wife have four children and live in a hut in the IDP camp. They want to be close to the church and ministry. Pastor Richard was also there. He grew up in California and is a doctor. Richard lives in Jinja and works with the UN. He has done a lot of work in the war torn North. He has given up a high paying job as a doctor to volunteer because he loves the Lord. Wow! They were very impressed with us coming here and with the ministry plans with have. We hope to work with them and their church. They think our VBS idea for this summer is a great idea and want to help. I feel so blessed to meet them and fellowship with them.

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