Monday, August 20, 2007

22 February 2007

Well last night wasn't fun. It started out good. The girls fell right to sleep at about 9pm but they thought it was just a nap and woke again 3 hours later. Grace and Lydia thought it was great. They stood in bed and giggled. Oh, what a night.

Lydia woke-up looked out the window and said, “No snow. I can wear my dress!” How do you get it in a kids head that there will be no snow, not to drink the water that comes out of a tap, and don't touch any creatures.
Their little worlds have been turned upside down.

Today we went to the store in our NEW VAN! Our van is very nice and we are so thankfully to have it. The store was called Game and it is awesome. It is South African run and similar to a WalMart but much cleaner. You can get anything you want but you may have to pay for it. We got a printer to share and we each got irons for our clothes (no one wants mango worms). Once again we didn't get much shopping done because our girls told us we were done. (How nice it would be to have grandma here.)

Francis and Maggie came in the afternoon from Soroti. (He is the principle of the Bible School who we will work with.) Francis seems to be like a Kebyia. He is quiet and smiley. I think Josh will get along with him just fine. We talked for a long time about what we needed to get here and what we could get in Soroti. Sounds like we need to get more here than we thought. Which means we need help transporting it to Soroti too. They are going to help us find house help and someone to keep up the yard. They also think we should hire an armed guard for the night hours. There are companies you can hire guard though. So you can rest assure Dad and Mom we will be safe. It is going to cost more but Francis thinks it will be best to be on the safe side. And Francis said there hasn't been any snakes there and they don't have scorpions. Yeah! We maybe staying till Monday now since we have to get more than we thought. And we are moving into an empty house so we need to be ready. We need to come back to Kampala in a few weeks to work on visas so we can get whatever else we need then.

The girls have been good but they get tired and crabby at times. Angie and I have stayed home with them in the afternoons while the guys go out and by the end of a few hours I am tired of being cooped up with them. It just gets harder to do things in a foreign country with children. They want to be independent and you just can't let them go alone here. Lydia has been quite defiate and has fits. Is it the age or the changes. I am giving her grace that it is the later right now. They don't understand. I don't want to yell at them and they don't want to listen. I am glad I have another mother to be with. I am sure it will be better when we are in our own home with our things unpacked.

Angie had a surprise in her toilet today – a gecko!

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