Monday, August 20, 2007

24 April 2007

Lydia is so cute at church. She dances, claps, and jumps along with the people as we sing. I really enjoyed the worship this week. They have some very meaningful songs. One song talks about singing, clapping, dancing... before the throne of God. What a picture! I am sure God loves it. I am thankful some of the songs are in English and we can worship along.

Angelina and Ben are going to Kampala tomorrow to see a cancer doctor and have treatments. He finally got pain killer here and found out it is even free from the hospital. We pray all goes well. Oh, just a side note to put you in the mind of a blind person, the other day they asked Tim and Josh to describe the stars to them. We are so blessed to see God's beauty here on earth.
I have really been wanting to bless people here and give them something to say I appreciate them and share God's love. Today I started by buying the builders cold pop. They were so happy and I was blessed! Angie seems to be really good at giving and being generous with what she has. Josh has the gift of giving. And God is challenging me to have a generous, giving heart.

Almost all of the shop keepers here in Soroti are Indian. They have really been on my heart lately. I see their little shires set up for their gods in the stores and their calendar with a picture of their temple. The temple looks just like the one we visited while in training with IT in Chicago. I am so glad we went there, I had no idea God was preparing me for ministry in Soroti. These people are lost. We haven't just come to save Ugandans but all people. I am amazed that Angie has always loved Indian culture and now here it is. Most of the shop owners aren't very nice, but there is one man who is so nice to us. I want to invite him over. Josh thought it would be a good way to connect if we see if his wife could cook Indian food for us since we like it so much. I need to pray about this and see what the Lord wants us to do.

I want to try to wrap this journal up so I can sent it and start on next months, but before I do let me give you a sneak peek at a semi normal day in our lives here:

Josh wakes up around 5:30am to do devotions. I wake up when my girls do usually around 7am. We eat breakfast then I usually take a walk or Josh runs.

Josh teaches four mornings a week for a couple hours. The girls get dressed, brushed, sun screened, and ready for the day. They often watch a DVD and always play with Avalien. I will bake, check email, or clean up. Our house help comes and does laundry, sweeps, and dishes. Sometimes we go to town to get a few things, go to market, and check the mail. This is a big task with three little girls.

We eat lunch all together then Grace goes for a nap, Josh goes to learn language, I do my devotions, and Lydia does preschool books or preschool computer games. I love this quiet time of day.

Then it is time to get supper started, the girls play, and Josh does class prep or jobs around the house. Of course in the mists of this “normal daily routine” we have numerous interruptions from workers, guests, and needs. Not to mention diaper changes, fetching water, or no power to function with.

After supper we play with the girls and clean up or take a short walk to see our neighbors. Some nights we have prayer time with Tim and Angie. Then it is bath time, book time, and bed time. The girls are great about going to bed. They lay down by themselves and fall right to sleep. How nice. Josh and I then check email, read, watch a DVD, get everything we couldn't get done while the kids where awake, or just go to bed.

And that is our day. You can fill in all the unsaid details. I love you all! Thanks for all of your prayers and support!


Sorry, one more thing. It is Wednesday and I have the flu – don't you hate when Mom is sick. The doctor in Kampala called us about Ben. She wondered why they waited so long. He either has one kind of cancer or lymphoma cancer. They want do a biopsy and then appropriate radiation and chemo. If it is lymphoma there isn't much they can do. Keep praying! Did I tell you that the people at IT have done an amazing job in stepping forward and paying for Ben care and other need here. Thanks!

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