Monday, August 20, 2007

25 March 2007

Grace slept all night! That feels so good – our first night of undisturbed sleep since we came to Uganda.

I sat down and write the Ateso words I know so that I can add to it and learn some more. While, I only know four words. Kinda discouraging but it has only been a few weeks and I will just have to try to add a word a day. I also want to see the some of the different ministries and pray about where God wants to use me. But I am not ready to minister yet. The girls need me, the house needs me, and I need a routine first.

We had a prayer and worship time this afternoon with Tim and Angie. It was very nice and we plan to do it every Sunday. The girls loved when we sang. We also hope to have a devotions and prayer time twice throughout the week.

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