Monday, August 20, 2007

28 February 2007

The power was out all night which made for bad sleeping. Angie and I woke up crabby. Living without power is really hard! Try bathing your kids in the dark, making food with no power, keeping food cold in a fridge that is on half the time, trying to sleep in the heat and noise with no fan... Yup, it was a why are we here moment.

More of the same today. Unpacking, going into town, getting and doing this and that. The kids are quite needy yet doing well considering. Lydia is amazing. She wanted to play with the kids outside of our gate so bad today. She just loves people! She doesn't care if she doesn't know them or don't speak her language. There is a peek hole about the size of your hand in our gate and Lydia and the kids were shacking each others hands. We took her out several times today to play with the kids. She is so good about it. The one time I took here to the nursery school by our house. The teachers had the kids greet Lydia then they all began feeling her hair. I tried to explain to her that they think she is beautiful and want to touch her soft hair. The rest of the day she told all of us to touch her soft hair.

Francis and Maggie were here along time today talking about house help and yard work. Angie and I then went to town to get some furniture ordered. Peter, Beatrice's driver, took us to show us a good place. It is costly but we should have a bed, dresser, and table and chairs in three weeks.

We whipped together our first meal tonight, pasta. We shared it with our neighbors :) . Things are coming together slowly but surely. Even though things have been hard this week I have still experienced God's peace. It is almost weird – amazing I guess. I know a lot of people are praying for us.

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