Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 20, 2007 -- Day away

August 20, 2007 -- Monday

I have been taking the month of August off from journaling partly because there isn’t much going on and partly because I needed a break. But it is nearing the end of the month and I am getting the desire to write again, I need to share with the grandparents what their grandchildren have been doing, and I have a new blog to put my journal on. So here we go again…

Saturday Josh and I took a day off with our girls. We went to Mbale to get away from the construction and stress at home. We had such a fun time. We went to the Mbale Resort first to swim. It was hot and sunny the first hour and a half so we had fun swimming. Grace just loves bobbing in the water. Josh is just as much of a kid when it comes to swimming. About the time our lunch was ready the rain started. After a quick trip to the grocery story we went miniature golfing at another hotel. Can you believe it, mini golf in Uganda? We heard about it from other missionaries and I was so glad we found it this time. The place was really pretty with a lot of beautiful plants and the golf was actually challenging and fun. There were water falls and lights for at night. Lydia and Grace loved it! I enjoyed watching them have so much fun trying something new. It just felt so normal to be miniature golfing with my family – it is so good to feel normal! When we finished we ate supper in a hut outside at the hotel. I really enjoyed my day away with my family. What a needed blessing!

Sunday Josh was asked by a couple of his students to peach in their village. So we loaded up and headed out about 8:30am but we did not realize what we got ourselves into. The students told Josh it was 20km away, it ended up being 60km deep into the bush. What a road! It took almost 2 hours of bumping and mud running. (Ever been mud running on your way to church?!) By the time we got there Lydia was car sick, Grace had eaten most of her church snacks, and I did not have the right spirit to worship. Why do I get so upset when things don’t go the way I planned they would? When will I learn? I had to ask God to forgive me once again, because once again once I saw the people and the encouragement we brought to these believers I was truly blessed. The village was quiet and beautiful. I really do like the churches in the villages. They seem to be filled with true worship and spirit. I was touched by the very old man in the back of church waving his hands as we sang, “waving now before the throne of glory.” They had a small band of finger pianos. I love that music! A boy led the singing and they were really good. Josh did a nice job with the sermon and our girls even held it together quite well.

After the service we went to the student’s compound for lunch. They were so happy to have us. I even got my first Ugandan hug from one of them. They sat us in a hut and served us tea and bread. Thankfully there was a sand pile for the girls to play in while we waited for the main course, chicken and rice. Once again they generously served us and gave us gifts of oranges and maze.

Then we headed to our last stop, the children’s ministry. A group of about 50 kids gathered with about three teachers. They sang and dances for us. Then Josh taught the kids the Bible memory they did at VBS. I was very impressed with the work they were doing with children there. By the end of their program my girls were done. They were tired. Who can blame them it was after 3pm. So we thanked them and headed home.

The girls napped most of the bumpy way home. I was thankful for my day, even though it wasn’t fun traveling there. The people were so grateful we came. I was blessed to see God’s kingdom alive and at work in that far away village. How did God get there? I mean how do the people know about Him? Who told them, who went? Thank God someone did! The good news is so good! I really do like the village life. But I know that it is too hard in this season of our lives to live there. I think our role right now is to go occasionally and encourage the believers in these areas. It is something we can do for them. It is good for me and it blesses them too. I will also remember them and pray for them. That area was also hit hard by the LRA and they have a lot of sad stories. I may have complained about our long ride there but the students biked there the day before. A total round trip = 10 hours! God you have blessed me so much.

Now for a short grandchildren update. Grace can now count to three and to ten when Lydia tells her what to say. Just last night she said her first Bible verse. Josh has been teaching Lydia “Let the little children come to me”, so Josh started the verse and Grace piped in, “Come to me.” Isn’t it amazing how smart kids are and how quickly they learn? She isn’t even two. Grace is also in a big girl bed now. We separated the bunk bed and now Lydia and Grace are each in a twin bed. Grace is a show off to often saying, “Look at me, look at me.” Lydia picked up a new Ateso word. The other day she told me Tabitha helped her go “susu” in the yard. Yes, she went peed in our yard. She thinks it is so fun to pee outside. Lydia also told Angie the other day, “when Grace naps Mommy and I read the Word.” Sometimes I hear her pray or give sermons while she is playing with Grace. The other day she was telling her babies something about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Oh, Lydia also knows her right and left. Pretty good, huh?

Happy Anniversary Dad and Mom Beute!!! Thank you for loving eachother!

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