Monday, August 6, 2007

August 6

August 6, 2007
It is Monday morning, that start of a new week, so I thought I would drop you a note and catch up on what is going on in our lives. Last week we were in Kampala. We had to update our immigration papers. Our work permits still were not ready, so we had to renew our special passes. The renewals are good for two months, but took six weeks to renew; therefore, they expire again on August 18. So then we will have to start the renewal process over again. We are hoping the work permits will be done by then.
On Monday last week John, Barb, Mandy and Angie went white-water rafting on the Nile River. They said it was pretty extreme. There are 8 sets of rapids rated a 5. Anything that has not been rafted safely is considered a 6. Once they have been rafted safely a number of times, they are dropped from a five to a six. In other words, this rafting is about is as extreme as it gets. Tim and I plan to go with Mandy’s Dad.
I am back to teaching this week. I am still in NT Survey - trying to get through the epistles in the next couple of weeks. It was so long ago that I wrote the outline for this section, that I feel like I need to completely re-write it because I have some new ideas. I think I will re-write it before next time, since the students already have the outlines. Next time I think I will either group the various epistles by theme, or teach Acts and the epistles based on a time line. This time, though, we are just following the order they are in in the Bible.
While we were gone, the workers got the messy part of the work on our house done. They cut out a few walls, moved a door, replastered what needed it. The floor people are supposed to lay tiles tomorrow and Wednesday. The painters can then do their thing after that. I am still amazed the landlord is willing to pay for all of this, but I think it will all be nice once it is finished.
I hope your week is going well. I will try to write again soon.

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