Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oct. Mandy's Journal

October 15

I haven’t written lately because I was busy catching up from last months journaling, and everything else I got behind on with my parents here and our internet being out. Don’t worry not much has been happening so I don’t have too much to catch you up on.

Lydia loves the mints Grandma left her. Each time she has one she tells herself what Grandma told her to remember, “The mints are sweet like Grandma’s kisses.” She has also shared them with friends and she tells them the same thing. It is really cute. Lydia is counting down the days until we go to Michigan. She has her own way of counting though. She will say, “We go to MI in two days, right Mom?” She also prays everyday for her “friends in MI.” I think she misses everyone.

The flooding has been the biggest issue around here. The other day I was thinking about the people effected and God seem to speak to me and challenge me. I truly cannot imagine being the flood victims. What would I do and how would I react living in a school or camp with hundreds of other people, NO home, NO food, none of my earthy possessions left… How would I care for or feed my children? Who would we go to? Who would help us? What would our future hold? The questions go on and on. Talk about feeling desperate. Maybe even hopeless. It is so good for me to put myself in their place and try to understand how they must feel and what they need. To be honest with ourselves, we can’t imagine ANY disaster. We can’t think beyond our nice homes and our many, many things. We complain and think it is a disaster if our yards are somehow ruined or our roofs leak into our homes. We talk about being “blessed” but we really have no idea how good we have it. We will be held accountable for all God has given us. What did we do with it to further His kingdom? We tend to just look around us and compare ourselves with the people next door. We think about ourselves with pity because we don’t have what they have or because we “don’t have money.” Most people around us are rich. They aren’t like most of the world. We are among the top 2% of the wealthiest people who ever lived! Did you hear that?! You are (and I am) wealthy! How easy it is not to think about how the rest of the world lives, how others are suffering. Or maybe we will hear about it but it is easy to forget about it and go on with life. It is too hard to think about it, to know about it, and to help. God, forgive us! You have given us good gifts so that we would bless others in Your name. We have sinned by not wanting to face the truth or do the hard work of helping. The world needs Jesus and we are called to be Your representative. Lord, use us! Give us Your heart of love to make a difference, to reach out, to comfort, to feed, to bring peace…for Your kingdom and glory alone.

Grace celebrated her 2nd birthday on the 11th. We already had a party when my parents were here so on her actually birthday we just partied as a family. We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, gave her a couple presents, and put her number two candle in homemade ice cream with chocolate sauce.

I started a Bible study with the high school girls that live in the hostel next door to us. The owners of the hostel asked if we would consider a ministry with the girls. The thought never left my mind so I though I better commit the thought to the Lord. After a few weeks of prayer I felt the Lord wanted me to lead a Bible study with the girls. I love God’s Word and all He has been teaching me and now I had a way to share it with others. I was nervous and wanted to back out several times but Josh kept encouraging me. I had seven weeks before our vacation home so it would be a good trial run. I decided to go through the book of Mark. Ten girls plus Kristine and Tabitha (our house help) were invited to come. The first night we crowded on our screened in porch. I was afraid they would have trouble understanding me and they wouldn’t answer any questions but overall it went really well. The girls seem really sweet and excited to be there. They are very good with English and even answered questions (something that is hard to get Africans to do). I really enjoyed it! I was very excited how it went and that I could share my love for God and His Word with these girls. I am so blessed by doing ministry. It isn’t too much but enough that I can handle it and be a good wife and mother. I know God will do great things in their lives as they seek Him. Pray for us.

Oct. 20

Yesterday about 4pm Kristine came with Claudia. I was on the phone with my mom so she sat and waited until I was done. She had just stopped by yesterday and told me something was wrong with Claudia’s eyes but they looked okay to me so I told her to give it until Monday to see how they were then. I wasn’t sure why she was here again. When I got off the phone I greeted her and right away I saw that Claudia’s breathing was not right. I walked over to Angie and she came over and listened to her breathing. She was breathing SO fast! I told Kristine she is a good mother and did the right thing we needed to bring Claudia to the clinic.

I was really worried about little Claudia. She didn’t have much life in her and it sounded like it took so much effort to breathe. I felt bad for Kristine. I am sure she was terribly worried about her child. The doctor saw us right away and confirmed that it was a bad case of pneumonia. She would need a series of injections over the next 24 hours. He wondered about keeping her overnight but decided it would be okay to go home and come back for the shots. He also wanted her to be tested for malaria. After the blood work we went back to the doctor. Claudia was positive with a sever case of malaria too. The doctor decided to keep her in the ward overnight.

They needed to put Claudia on IV but they couldn’t find a vein. I felt terrible for Claudia they tired to get the needle in seven times! She just cried and there was nothing I could do. I was a wreck. The even shaved half of her head and tried to find a vein there. The doctor couldn’t get it either. They decided to just wait and try again later. Then they gave her two injections. Poor Claudia was exhausted.

Kristine wasn’t thrilled about staying there for the night but I assured her it was better if they could care for her all night. I talked to her about how hard it must be to have a very sick child after just loosing a child. Eugene died only three months ago. I also prayed with her through tears. I know God is using all of this to draw Kristine close to Him. After we prayed a neighbor was in our room she said she heard someone praying and came to see. She assured us God will heal Claudia.

Just being at the clinic was hard and a lot to deal with. The doctor is really nice and knows what he is doing and so do the nurses but there is just so much sickness and only so much they can do. There was a two month old baby there with malaria and they gave the baby Quinnine. I was very disturbed because that medicine is quite harsh and I think it can very harm you. Sometimes they give it because it is cheaper so I asked the doctor thinking I would pay for better medicine for the baby if that was the reason. The doctor said all the other medicine you can build a resistance to so they give that one. I asked if it could be harmful and he said yes but so is malaria. What do you do? Then I found out Claudia was also put on it. I really don’t understand medicine or the medical world but I do know I hate suffering and sickness.

I left to have supper with my family but I didn’t feel very hungry. I was very concerned about Claudia and I was tired. I felt like I ran a marathon and it isn’t even my child. Emotions take a lot out of you. I feel very close to Kristine and I love them. After supper we brought Kristine some snacks, magazines, and a Bible. There is nothing to do there and they are all alone other than the one nurse. Josh took Kristine home to get some clothes and buy some food while I sat with Claudia. The night nurse, a very sweet girl, got the IV in Claudia’s foot. She was sound asleep under her bug net. Her breathing was so quick and heavy. I just sat there praying for her. She is so beautiful. Before we left Kristine called Jimmy, the father, to tell him. He said he would come tomorrow. Good. I was pretty mad at him earlier in the day. If he loved his child he would be there. Real love is being there. I left Kristine and Claudia with a heavy heart. Should I stay with them all night or do I stay with my family? I went home and called people to tell them to pray for our friends. I woke up several times during the night thinking about them and praying for them.

This morning I went to see them and bring some food. I was thrilled to see Claudia sitting up, playing with an orange, and even smiling. Praise God! Her IV was still going and her breathing was still quick but she was Claudia again and there was life in her. God is so good. I visited a couple times throughout the day to see how they were doing and to bring them food. Claudia was discharged in the evening. The total cost for the medicine and stay, $20.

Oct. 22

We have now been without internet for over two weeks. It’s hard knowing all our work and emails are piling up. Lighting hit again and we were waiting for a new modem but now we have a new modem but it still doesn’t work. How frustrating! To top it off our water is off again and the power has been out all day. Patience.

I have been feeling much better since I stopped taking Mephlaquin (malaria meds). I feel happier, calm, able to handle things, I like who I am and feel like myself. I am so thankful! I am sad that for almost five years I suffered with not being myself and even left Mahula. But I can’t live with the guilt and regret. There were other reasons we left Mahula and I know God wants us in Soroti. I am just glad we figured it out now and not years down the road. I now firmly believe that anyone who is put on this medicine need to be warned of all the possible side effects and watched. I never knew all the effects it can have people only talked about the dream you can have. I think our mission agency needs to be more careful I just trusted what they told me to take.

Lydia is so funny. She has been talking about being Jewish when she plays lately. I am sure it comes from her Bible stories. We were reading about the Jewish leaders wanting to kill Jesus and she said, “I don’t like Jewish leaders.” Grace is attached to her glow worm that Uncle Chris got her for Christmas. She pushes it and pushes it when she goes to sleep. Grace is also speaking in full sentences now.

I forgot to tell you we finally met Jimmy the father of Claudia. Kristine was very upset and at her end with him so she asked us to come and talk with him. Josh and I sat and listened to them and tried to help, but he just acted like Mr. nice guy. I don’t know how to help them besides their need for Jesus. I don’t see anything changing until they know their Savior and are able to forgive. Yesterday Kristine came again totally distressed. Jimmy wants her out and wont help her and Claudia with money. She doesn’t know what to do anymore. She doesn’t have any family or anywhere to go. I really an at a loss how to help her. I am really praying about this and for them.

Tim and Anne Marsden are here from the UK. They have come to Soroti for the last ten years and work a lot with the same people we know. They are staying in our apartment next door. They are very nice and have been an encouragement to have around. They want to talk with each of us to help us in anyway, they met with our team, and have enjoyed suppers and games with us. Most of the time they are busy holding meeting around Soroti.

Josh and I continue to enjoy our date nights. Monday we went for supper and hoped to watch the replay of Sunday night football. We had a nice supper but the World Series was on instead. Nothing like watching sport while sipping African tea.

Oct. 24

Today Lydia showed Josh and I her Polly Pocket doll and said, “She is Jewish. She is a mommy. See she has breasts Daddy.” J

Bible study continues to go really well. Late night we did Mark 3. There are four or five girls who answer and read a lot. I am impressed with their knowledge. The other girls don’t say much but seem to be writing a lot and I asked them a question at the end and they answered wonderfully. One of the girls, Juliet, shared that she is the only believer in her family and she came to know Jesus when she came to Soroti at Light Secondary School. (We were talking about how Jesus family didn’t understand who He was or what He was doing.) I was also impressed with their prayer requests last night. They asked for prayer for themselves because many of them are leaders and need to know right from wrong, how they can reach out to the lost, and wisdom to do what is right. They are really starting to open up after just three weeks.

This morning Tim said he talked to Joseph and Sarah, the couple who run the hostel, and they said most of the girls are not Christians. They said they were unsure of the Bible study the first couple times and why we were talking so much about Jesus but they now really like it and other girls want to come. They were really excited about last night because they got name tags, sweets, and they said it was just like America. How funny. What a sticky note with their name on and a tootsie roll wont do. I was shocked to hear that most of the girls are not Christians. They don’t admit it and I was under the assumption they were so the Bible study was geared toward that. What a witness though! I have been excited all day because of it. I have been thinking about what we have been talking about and how it would affect a non Christian. Last night we talked about how Jesus family thought He was crazy and the Pharisees thought He was possessed but the most important thing is who do you say Jesus is? We have been talking a lot about how Jesus loves and reaches out to sinners and how we can do that too. I can’t imagine how God is working in these girls heart – and I can’t wait to see all He does!

Grace favorite song is “The wise man built his house upon the rock.” She wants to sing it after every meal. She even knows the motions now. She also sings “Away in a Manger” with motions. I love hearing her low little voice sing. She knows “Joy to the World”, “Jesus Loves Me”, or “I’ve got the Joy, joy, joy”. Grace was coloring (“coly” as she says) yesterday and said it was for Grandpa and Grandma. She draw a circle and told me it was the “Buble”. Then she asked, “Where Grandma? Come a my house?”

I was talking to Lydia about our Heavenly Father and she turns to me and says, “Who’s our mother?” What a smarty. Today we were in town and she saw a man in a wheel chair and she asked, “Does that man know Jesus?” Mom sent a picture of Anna and Abby from the paper when Lydia saw it she said, “Mom, did they grow?! Did they get bigger? Did they have a birthday?” She knew right away that her friends were older than when she left them. Grandma Beute they also got the mints in the mail and now call them “Grandma’s kisses”.

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