Monday, November 26, 2007

I preached -- Nov. 25

Nov. 25 – I preached!

I know I said I was done typing but I have a few exciting things to share with you. Last night our co-workers (Ugandans) cooked a meal for us before we left. We were so blessed by this kind gesture. We felt loved and appreciated. They made SO much food! I don’t know how they did it. I really enjoyed the fellowship and the relationships we are forming. I am so thankful for them. It was really nice.

After the meal I had Bible study with the girls. We studied Mark chapter 10 in it Jesus talks about marriage and divorce. The girls and I had a long talk about this issue and the sins of their culture. They think every man will disappoint you. I had a good example of how God makes two people one in marriage. By the end I asked what they have learned and what they will do. One girl said she now knows divorce is wrong and has effects. Another girl said she know she has to prepare and find a godly man. She also said she will take this message and share it with the people in her village. Praise God! That’s it. If we all change, follow and obey God then others will see and do the same. We can make a difference one person at a time for God’s glory.

After the meeting I was so excited and told Josh all about it, so he asked me if I wanted to preach it the next day. Josh was suppose to preach but hadn’t come up with anything yet. At first I said no and laughed him off. I have never preached and would be too nervous. By the idea wouldn’t leave my head. I love God’s Word so much and really want to share it. So, I decided to do it. Even if it didn’t go well or I was bad, I tried in God’s strength. I sat down and wrote my “sermon”.

I was amazed that I wasn’t even nervous. I just kept praying, “God this is about you and for you. Speak through me. Be my strength in my weakness. Speak to these people and work in them…” I am sure they were quite shocked when they found out I was preaching and not Josh. I was very happy with how it went even with a translator which can be hard. Most people seem to really be listening and they liked the example. The greatest part is I have done what God asked me to and now the rest is up to Him. It is between God and these people whether they receive the message. God’s truth is so good!

Then tonight I had the Bible study girls over one last time before we go home and they go on break. I really enjoy being with these girls more and more. We made supper for them tonight because all they get is beans and posho (corn flour cooked) ever day. They were SO thankful for rice, meat, fruit, and Coke. Tabitha cooked it for us. (Tabitha and Kristine come to the Bible study too.) After our meal I thanked them for coming to the Bible study and gave each of them a note and a Bible – they were SO excited! Then they told me they had something for me. They had prepared two songs to sing. They were really good! Motions/dancing, bush guitar and all. They sang so well. I really enjoyed it and was touched by it. After all that we watched The Nativity Story. They were very excited and liked it a lot, but it took a lot of explaining. I realized again that you have to be careful with movies and be able to explain things. I told them all to go home and read Luke and Matthew 1 and 2. During the movie they were a constant buzz and they cheered often. Before they left they thanked me again and again. They asked for prayers for school fees so that they can all come back next year and if I could get them pen pals from America. It is such a blessing to be appreciated. Then the hugs came (I am finally getting use to how to hug here – put your face to one shoulder then to the other.) The girls are really sweet and I am thankful for them. They think they are going to miss me so much when we go. They are funny. They are the ones going on a two month holiday from school. I think it is how they show you how much they care about you. Tabitha said the girls loved the night and think I am so nice. I just praise God for how He is working. I am thankful He gave me a ministry that I really love.

Josh goes with people from our church tomorrow to bring supplies to people affected by the floods. (By the way the rains have quit but people are without food and homes still.) Our church raised about $100 dollars, we matched what they gave, and a few others gave too.


  1. Hi Mandy! If you need pen-pals, I would love to write them! Just email me:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would love to be a pen pal as well. What an amazing ministry!
