Friday, November 23, 2007

Mandy's Journal -- Nov. 11 - 21

Nov. 11 – A break and Angelina’s Church

I am happy to report we now have water and internet again, thank you God! However, our hot water heater is not working now, possibly hit by lighting. We are thankful our lighting rods should go up this week.

Last week we went to Mbale. We just felt like our family needed to get out of Soroti and do something. Since we had to take the old, long way out we decided to stay the night. We had two really nice days at the pool. We all enjoyed swimming. The kiddy pool has a new slide and the girls loved that. We stayed at the hotel with mini golf so the girls liked that too. We also stayed over so we could watch Sunday night football (on Monday here). We were quite upset when the hotel people couldn’t get the station to come in but we were able to watch the last half of the game and we woke up on Tuesday to finish watching Monday night football. We ordered out at an Indian restaurant that we hadn’t eaten at before. It was really good and I look forward to next time. We had a nice time and I was thankful we were able to get out and have a special time.

We went to Angelina’s church today (blind Angelina). I had a bad attitude again. Sunday’s have been hard for me lately. Josh went early to and phoned to tell us when the service began. When the girls and I arrived the churches welcome committee came out and cheered (shouted and waved). Sorry to say I wasn’t in the mood. Thankfully God changed my attitude. I was quickly humbled and repentive. The church was in what we would call a condemned building. I guess it was the some ones house but it had huge holes in the ceiling and walls, it was dark, and dirty. It looked more like animals lived in there not people. Yet, in the mist of that God’s people were worshipping! I could see it on the faces of the people and hear it in the singing. These people loved the Lord. I enjoyed their singing. They were good and had a children’s and women’s choir. We had two sermons. A guy named Robert preached one on being transformed. I was very impressed with it. Sometimes we wonder where Ugandans get their sermons or they just go round and round, but this guy did a really nice job. Josh also preached. The girls enjoyed playing with the kids outside, kinda like nursery. After church they invited us for lunch at the pastor’s house. It was really nice. Everyone was entertained by our girls. We met some very nice people from the church. Grace, Tim and Angie’s house help, Dad goes to the church. Josh had a long talk with him. He is like a history book. He was almost killed three times. Once during Idi Amin, once during the Ateso rebellion, and once when the LRA was here like so close to death the gun happen not work when he was being shot at. God had a plan for this man. I just marvel when I hear these stories. I can’t fathom being through any of that and now here he is still praising God. That is faith! The pastor’s house is one room and he has five kids. Wow. I was humbled. What wealth we have. All they have to do is look at the van we drove up in and it shouts of my wealth. I am SO humbled. God I have so much and I have complained and worried. I am so sorry. It is so easy not to think about it when I don’t know people or only compare myself to others like me, but when I get to know and love people here and know how they live it is hard. I felt like I came home with a lot on my heart.

Nov. 16 -- Guests and our girls
We had a busy week with guests here two people from IT Canada and John and Grace Miles our regional director for the UK. Everything went really well we were just busy making meals, showing them around, and transporting them. We had a nice supper with everyone here who is associated with IT. It is good to be united and fellowship together. We really appreciated getting to know our John Miles. I think we can work better together now.

While our guests were here Sam came and shared his story. He was with the LRA for about three weeks. He helped a boy escape, he was beaten with the end of a gun, he watched others beaten, he saw some killed, he was infested with lice, his feet were open wounds, and he escaped during a shoot out. I just sit there thinking this happened to our friends and I think God must really have healed him for him to talk about it and give God glory.

Grace made us proud the other day. We were doing our Bible verse at night with the girls and Grace said the entire thing, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit come and you will be my witnesses.” Pretty good for just being two. She did the motions and all. Kids are so smart. We are so excited to see the Word hidden in their little hearts. Grace knows her name now. When people ask she says, “Gace” but no one understands her yet. She is full of cute words and facial expressions. I hope I never forget them especially when she says in her low, little voice “I lub a you.”

The guests really liked the girls and Lydia loved having guests. One of them commented on how Lydia talks beyond her years. Lydia also wears “earrings” a lot now. She takes necklaces (big ones) and puts them around her ears. She wants real earrings but when I told her it will hurt just for a minute when they put them in she decided maybe she should be five when she does that. We were talking about when she didn’t listen to us that day at the supper table when she said, “yeah, but sometimes I make mistakes.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Yes, Lydia we all make mistakes sometimes.

Nov. 20 – Lydia’s Malaria

As many of you know Lydia had Malaria the last few days. She started out with a cold then on Friday she played at a friend’s house all afternoon and when she came home she didn’t feel well and had a fever. We gave her medicine and she fell asleep at 6:30pm. That night her temp went up and by morning we knew she needed to be tested for Malaria. Poor baby was pricked to test her blood and sure enough it was positive. By the time she got home her fever was 103 and she was as white as a ghost. All she wanted to do was sleep. The next couple days she was up and down. She would play and be fine until the fever came back then she was down and very uncomfortable. Her fever would spike up quite quickly and she would say, “My sickness is coming back.” She was really good about it all. Sunday afternoon the fever got up to 104 and then we were a little worried. What would we do if it got higher? I called a missionary nurse who told me how much medicine I could give her. Lydia was beside herself. Hot then cold and miserable. Then she throw-up. We put her in a bath and finally the medicine kicked in. Now she thinks bathes make her feel all better. Sunday night was a long night with fevers but they did begin to come down. Yesterday she was quite a bit better but she still hung onto a 101 fever. Last night she finished her malaria medicine and all night her muscle convulsed or something and she was in a panic yet still asleep. This morning we read that the medicine can do that. Today she is much better except for her cold. She still has a head full. We are all tired for disturbed nights of sleep and probably from worrying. Thank you all for praying for Lydia!!! It brought us a lot of comfort knowing people were praying. We praise God that He healed Lydia!

Nov. 21 – Girls Bible Study and Tabitha’s situation

I am very excited about Bible study this week. I realized I only had two more weeks with the girls and that some of them may not be returning to school next year. I really wanted to share the salvation story with them. So we looked at when Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am?” We also read and talked about being a follower of Jesus – we must deny ourselves (Jesus is Lord), take up our cross (submit), and follow Him (be like Him). I am sad to say it has been a long time since I shared the gospel with someone and prayed with them. I was SO blessed and excited by it! There isn’t anything better in life. This is what we live for. I don’t know who accepted the Lord for the first time or what the Lord did in the girls hearts that night but I know the Lord has disciples in training. I am so thankful I could share God’s love with the girls.

Tabitha now has four kids she is caring for. The whole situation is SO sad. I am really troubled by it all. Her sister (by father) drinks a lot and is with another man now who doesn’t want the kids so they leave them at Tabitha’s door. Tabitha is beside herself. She doesn’t have the money or time to care for them. She knows these kids need love and are just being hurt. The youngest is 2 and basically is alone all day. Can you imagine?! The other day she left and he was napping and when she returned he was gone so she had to go find for him. (And they live on a main road too.) The other kids go to school. I am SO angry with this mother who doesn’t deserve the title. Her sins and every man she has been with are affecting and destroying these kids. The need love, need to be wanted, cared for, and protected. All they know is no one wants them. How sad. I really should do something to help but what? I really just want to shake the mother. I think we will visit the probation officer (social worker) and see if they can help. You can be praying for them.

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