Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jan. 14 -- Our Neighbors

January 14, 2008

Tonight we walked around greeting our neighbors and bring them a small gift (clothes and toothpaste). First we went to Joseph and Martha’s. Martha was home with the kids. She was really down. She said they didn’t have a good Christmas because they have no money and had no food. She just cried. Their landlord wants them to move back to their village so he can build where they are living. Joseph and Martha are IDP’s (internally displaced people) from the war in their village. Martha said they are orphans and have no where to go back to. She fears for her girls. She said before they lived in the one room hut (now has a tin roof) they are in now they use to just sleep outside wherever people would let them. She said she very gave birth there. She does not know what to do. There is no money for a new place let alone food. Now what do you say to a person after all that? They look at us, our home, van, food and think we have all the money in the world. We are rich – we really are. Josh and I held her hand and prayed with her prayed that God would make a way that He would be with them and care for them. I pray we shared some love and hope with her. I just can’t imagine being that in need and that alone.

Then we walked over to see widow Betty. We walked into her grass roof hut only to see the sun. There were holes everywhere in the roof. All she has in the hut was a small metal framed bed, blanket, and some dishes. And she has six kids! I was in awe again. We gave her our very small gift and she asked for help with the roof again. How do we handle this? There is so much need. Everyone needs help. We have a big house with a roof over our heads and our neighbors don’t.

After that I saw a new baby by another hut I haven’t been to so we walked over. It ends up we do know her husband but we had not met her. I was so thankful for Josh’s Ateso since she didn’t speak English. Lydia and Grace really liked the baby. An really old man came out of his room then and greeted us and tried to tell us something about his stomach problems. Several other people came out to greet us too. I was saddened that I was meeting so many people, my neighbors, for the first time. Is there ever enough time? Or do I just spend too much time on myself?

All night I struggled with what I saw and heard from my visits with our neighbors. What do we do to help? How can we be generous and faithful with all God has given us, yet not have the town at our door? Why do they have so little and I have so much? Why was I born into blessing and them into suffering? Do these questions ever get answered? I am thankful I wrestle with all of this, ever though it is really hard, because it means I care. I don’t want to use any cop out answers or worries (like fearing the town at my door). I want to do what God wants me to do. I am really seeking Him for help and wisdom. Just tell me what to do and I will Lord! Sometimes I wonder or feel like I am missing the point if we continue to just full their physical needs. I want to help them spiritually. I pray that by helping them we are sharing Christ. As I praying about all of this I asked God to love our neighbors. I felt Him assure me He was because we were there and He wanted to use us to be His love. Isn’t that beautiful? We are God’s love to those who need it around us.

On another note Lydia and Grace are doing great. I asked Lydia what she liked best about MI and she told me everything. I asked her what she liked best about Uganda and she said everything. She is a very happy little girl. Grace counted to 20 tonight with Josh (she made it to six by herself and then did every other number with Josh). It actually rained here and has been cloudy (and “cool”). How nice! We are getting Tabitha’s four kids that live with her (because the mom is a drunk and dad is gone) ready for school. We had a couple of the Amecet girls over for lunch Sunday. Joanne from Australia is here with us for two months doing a vision trip. I plan to have everyone over Thursday for tea to meet her. I will fill you in more later…

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