Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb. 12 - Mandy's Journal

Feb. 12

I went to Amecet with the girls last week (and we go most Sunday’s to sing). There is a new born there that weighs about 3 pounds. It’s mother died in birth. What a sad way to start life. I held her and she is SO little. Her head is the size of a large orange. How frail life is and how wonderfully God has made us. There is also a one year old girl there that is only 9 pounds. It is a toddler in a baby’s body. So malnourished. She is sweet. Sometimes it is work to go there and meet new kids and volunteers but I always am glad I made the effort. Sharing God’s love with those who need it is always a blessing.

Friday night we had our missionary fellowship (every second Friday of the month). We had a really nice time. There seems to be the regulars that come and then new and occasional people. Everyone brings food and it was so good this time. It is good to fellowship with people in the same situation as you. We can encourage one another.

We had coffee at Beth Manes last week. The girl love going there and playing with Katherine. Beth spoiled us again with great food. She is so creative and hospitable. We are having them over this week for Valentines. I hope I can entertain like her.

We went to the mountain Saturday for a picnic but when we got there construction people came running and told us we can’t be there. They were blowing up the mountain (parts of it) for rock. They are starting the three year road project here. I will be VERY sad if our mountain isn’t climbable when they are done. It is so beautiful and a place for escape for our family. We resorted to a mountain/hill in town for our picnic but it didn’t work so well. There wasn’t enough space to sit and kids and adults came up to watch us. We got a little frustrated. But we did have great smores back at our house.

Oh, Tabitha said people are saying that the construction people need 50 heads for their machines to work. Yes I said heads. Basically the rumor is they would be taking (kidnapping) kids or people to sacrifice for the project. We told her it isn’t true. The Chinese are running the job and we have never heard of them doing such a thing. However, it is common enough in Uganda that people believe it. It happens here. How sick and terribly sad.

On a better note, we have hot water again. Our hot water heater when out back in October and the part finally came in. I love hot water! We have been heating water on the stove for too long. It has also been raining here some. It is nice to see the clouds and have relief from the heat.

Lydia was sick again. About 7:30pm she said her stomach hurt and laid on the couch. Her temp was at 99. I gave her IB Prophen and by 8pm she was sleeping. At 9:30 she woke up throwing up and her temp was at 104. High temps are so scary. We called home for people to pray. What would we do if it went up? Josh and I prayed over her too. It was a long night. Her stomach was cramping, she had diarrhea, threw up, and peed in the bed. But by morning her fever was gone – praise the Lord! What an answer to prayer. She still laid low and has diarrhea but she is herself again. No one likes it when their child is sick but here you can feel pretty helpless and alone. I prayed a lot that night and had to trust Lydia to God. It isn’t always easy, but she belongs to Him. It was another reminder that God is with us. Thanks for praying everyone. We felt your love.

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