Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb. 26 -- Grace and Lydia

Feb. 26

I don’t even know how to fill you in on all that has happened the last 10 days, so I will start with the normal family news. Grace ended up with Dysentery. She had blood in her stool (actually one really bloody one – like a women’s period) so we had it tested. She is fine now thankfully. The only thing we noticed with the Dysentery was the little bit of blood in her stool and extreme crabbiness now and then. Today we decided to bring in another sample because the medicine is done but she still has diarrhea. Guess what she has now – yeast in her stool. I have never heard of that. It is a intestinal fungus and she is now on Nystatin pills. She acts just fine so I am glad we decided to test her again. I am glad people are praying for her because I am not sure what we have around here. I think we will get Lydia tested too just in case.

Grace was singing away tonight with her “hymnal”. Our girls love to sing! Graces favorite is “Alive, Alive”. She was telling her doll the other day, “I going to spank your butt.” Whoops, guess she has heard that before. Lydia saw me putting some books for babies away tonight and she asked if I was saving those for the brother she was praying for. We explained very simply why Joanne had to leave to Lydia then the other night she told Uncle Tim, “Joanne had to leave because a bad man did not nice things to her.” The girls play all day and make HUGE messes. Lydia is still a little pack rat collecting everything from weeds to price fruit snack wrappers. They play house a lot. Grace is either the baby or daddy. I wish I could bottle some of them up and share them with you.

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