Monday, February 4, 2008

Feb. 3 - Mandy's Journal

Feb. 3, 2008

I have been in need of a break. I have been dreaming about all I could do with my husband and kids if I was living in MI because there really isn’t anything fun, new, or special to do here. We could go to town to the same few shops with people staring at us the whole time in 90degree weather. Sorry, I don’t mean to complain. I know that I am SO blessed. So, we took the girls down a bumpy road for 30min. to Lake Kyoga to go fishing. We have never done it before and I wanted to do something special with the girls. It is beautiful out there. We didn’t catch any fish but we did have a nice time. The other fishermen there getting their boats ready caught tiny, little fish for our girls to put in a bucket. Grace liked that. Lydia wanted to fish so we made her her own “fishing pole” that she loved. No fish for supper but we tried and Lydia said she had a really fun day.

(After fishing we thought we’d go out to eat in town. The restaurant didn’t have any of our first four choices so we had to go with what they did have. After waiting fifty minutes in frustration, our food did come. Anyone having fun anymore?)

Lydia has totally impressed us. The other day at lunch Josh was asking her math problems. Like, I have four pieces of pizza and you have four if I give you two how many do I have and how many do you have. She got everyone right! Josh asked her about six different add and subtract questions and she would just say the answer. I was amazed she could do that.

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