Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ultra Sound

June 25

We had an ultra sound yesterday. How exciting it is to SEE our baby. We could identify it’s head, legs, heart beating, and it even moved. A real baby! Praise God! I feel relieved that the baby is growing and there is a heart beat. It helps me to endure the sickness better too now that I have seen my baby. Just in case you wanted to know ultra sounds in Soroti cost all of $8.

Lydia was talking about the baby at lunch and how we will go to the hospital and they would come and see the baby. Then she asked how the baby will get out of my tummy. Good question. How do you answer a four year old? I looked at Josh and he looked at me. I told her the doctor would help me. She was happy with that. She then showed me how the doctor will pull it out of the tummy.

We will be 11 weeks tomorrow. I thought I was doing good because all my clothes still fit but the other day one of our missionary friends had to ask Angie if I was pregnant. Sure enough, I looked in the mirror and there was a tummy growing. I look forward to when it looks like a pregnant tummy and I can change to maternity clothes. Right now it just looks like a big tummy in bad shirts.

Grace has done really well with potty training. She went a whole week without wetting! She sure can make me laugh when she giggles from the bottom of her toes. The other day she said to me, “Jesus died on the cross for our sins right Mom?” Right Gracie. What do you think that means in a two and half year old mind? The girls play together really good right now. They color a lot. And of course sing. Today they had a marching band with kitchen utensils and sang, “We bring the sacrifice of praise!”

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