Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Forth

July 7, 2008

The Buteyn’s arrived Thursday. (Buteyn’s go to our supporting church Evergreen Ministries in Hudsonville and were here last summer too.) It is such a blessing to have them here. It is just like welcoming old friends back. They bring so much encouragement to us. The girls are very happy to have them here. They love the girls and are so good to them. We look forward to our month with them. Matt, from Kansas City, also arrived. He is here for two week doing a vision trip with IT. He is here to see and experience. He seems really nice. He will be praying about weather God leads him back to join our team.

We had a really fun 4th of July! We had about 18 people come (4 or 5 different nationalities) our Amecet friends, CRWRC friends, missionary friends, and all of us. Everyone brought meat to grill and a dish to pass. We had a wonderful, big pot-luck picnic. Yummy! It was a beautiful evening and everyone enjoyed the fellowship. We even had decorations, sparklers (candles from Kampala), and glow in the dark bracelets for the kids. We had a campfire with smores and all! I love the smell of campfires – what memories. Everyone sat around the fire talking until the rain came. Thankfully it did come until 9pm. It was a fun night. I love making holidays special. We couldn’t be in MI with our families, but I felt truly blessed to have friends to celebrate here with.

To top off my pregnancy sickness I have now been struggling with a sinus cold for the last couple weeks. It started in the head and moved down to laryngitis or bronchitis. Now it is back in the head with a cough. It really wiped me out. I didn’t know if or what I could take so I decided to let it runs its course. I think I am finally getting better.

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