Friday, July 18, 2008

July 16 - Mandy's Journal

July 16

We had a really busy week this week. Buteyns, Matt, a team from the UK were here, and a family that works with IT Canada visited. For me it meant a lot of meals and entertaining. Josh was busy with his usual ministries plus VBS every afternoon and teaching the Timothy Institute. It is nice having people around especially the Buteyns who are friends. The family that came had a four year old girl so Lydia really enjoyed a new playmate for a few days. By the end of the week we were all tired and Angie and I were done making meals.

Thursday we went to see the progress on a couple of the orange tree orchards. The girls and I went along with Josh, the blind, Buteyns, and Matt. The first orchard we brought the seedlings and planted them. The field was all ready and in no time the trees were planted. Lydia even planed one with Josh. She also helped put the straw down and carried the trees. Grace napped in the van. I was there to take pictures. I am always impressed by the blind – all they can do. The blind person who received this orchard and her family were so nice and grateful. I was glad I was there to see some of the process and meet the people. The second orchard was the one they planted a year ago. Josh was happy with the growth. Although the trees are still only 2-3 feet high, they have grown a lot since they were planted, they were caring for them, and the plants weren’t dead. The owner, Nicholas, is one of the most expressive and happy people I have ever met. He is so thankful. We left there with peanuts and corn to thank us – AGAIN.

I was glad I went along and was able to be out and involved again. I always come back touched and thankful. By the time we got home though I was in desperate need to lay down. After all the bush roads I was nauseas. Thankfully a quick shower and rest helped me feel a lot better.

Sunday afternoon we all packed up to climb the mountain. We had a picnic and all. The road construction has been blowing up our mountain for rock and gravel so we haven’t been able to climb for months. The mountain was really over grown with long grass so it was quick a trip up there. The top of the mountain is so beautiful and peaceful. We started the firer for our hot dog roast just in time to see rain coming. We continued along watching to see if the storm was coming our way. By the time the kids hot dogs got on the sticks the drops began to fall. I have never seen people work together so fast to pack up and head down a mountain. The storm came so fast and we did not want to be on the top of a mountain when lighting came. Josh put Grace on his back and scooped up Lydia. I grabbed the food with the ladies and followed Josh. Everyone was shouting to Tim who was checking out a bat cave and didn’t realize a storm came up or that we were leaving. When we saw lighting we almost ran down the mountain. Thankfully the real rain waited until we were safe and sound. What a trip! You never know what is going to happen. I was glad with were with people to help us and laugh with. We tried. It was a beautiful, fun few minutes on the mountain.

Lydia and Grace are doing well. Both have colds right now. Grace is pretty much fully potty trained (except nights). How exciting! What a big girl.

Tuesday we went to Mbale for the day. It takes effort to get there (an hour and a half drive) but once we are there we are thankful for a relaxing day. We spent the day at the pool. The girls love swimming. We had a sunny day too. We enjoyed lunch by the pool and just playing together.

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