Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More company

July 28

I am finally feeling better! What a great feeling. I still have a few minor things like tiredness and yucky taste in my mouth, but I can live with that stuff. I am now 15 or 16 weeks along. We went to Kampala last week and saw the doctor for the first time. He is Ugandan. His office isn’t anything special but he is very nice and is known as the best OBGYN in Kampala. He did an ultrasound and the first thing that came up on the screen was two tiny feet. How cute. We had a good look of the baby’s face too. I love seeing our baby and knowing all is well. According to the measurements taken by the ultrasound the baby is due January 7 (we thought January 15 so I guess we are due sometime that week). My next visit to the doctor we get to have a 3D ultrasound. Just incase your curious, our doctor bill (including visit, ultrasound, lad work, and medicine) cost $60.

So we were in Kampala last week and stayed at the Baptist Guesthouse. It was really nice two bedroom, two bathrooms, sitting room, shared kitchen, and a nice bonus DSTV which means we got to watch some sports. We enjoyed a relaxed time away. I love eating at good restaurants and not cooking. We had real pizza and we were very happy to find our favorite restaurant lowered it’s price back to what they were. It made our day. (Milk shakes for $2!) We were very happy our van was fixed while we were in Kampala. We have air conditioning again!!! Lydia needed her passport renewed so we had to go to the Embassy. We also picked up our friend Stacey from the airport. She is staying with us for a month mainly to teach Lydia and to see and experience Uganda and mission life. Stacey was a youth leader with us at RPC.

Needless to say, Lydia is thrilled to have school. She was so proud the first day when she got all stars for her good work. Stacey is a good teacher and brought a lot of creative stuff to use. I have been really impressed with all Lydia can do. She is even doing the beginning of reading. She will be all ready for Kindergarten.

Josh continues to teach children’s church on Sundays. Yesterday they wrote down all of the kid’s names, who they live with, and where they live. Out of the 30 kids Josh did only 3 of the kids lived in a home with their father present and that was the Pastors kids. That means almost every child here lives with no father present in their lives. It is so sad. There is a huge problem here and a big need for ministry among men, these kids, and the mothers struggling alone.

I haven’t talked about Amecet in a long time but we still go occasionally. Every time I go I am touched, all the children. Sickness, mothers who dye, need for love… When they sing on Sunday night I am reminded of how much God loves them all. It always moves me to think about how special they are to God. And we are to be God’s love to them. What a mission!

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