Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 11 Mandy's Journal

August 11

Things have been quiet around here but good. Last week Josh taught over an hour away in Amuria everyday. He began the Timothy Institute with them. Sixty-five pastors attended. We missed Josh and he was really tired by the end of the week, but it was worth it because course was a blessing to so many. They weren’t so sure about Josh at first seeing he is “just a boy” (I think Josh likes being called a boy at 30 years old) but after the first day they were very impressed and had confidence in his teaching. One lady who attended used to be crazy and walk the streets naked, but through some pastors care and prayers is now in her right mind and serving the Lord. She became crazy after joining a cult so I think it was demon possession. Isn’t it amazing what the love and prayers of God’s people can do?! Another pastor there was 75 years old. Him and his wife have been married for 51 years and have never been able to have kids. It is amazing in this culture to find a couple that has stayed together that long without having children. Most men would get another wife. He told Josh coming to the course took a lot of effort but once he was there it was like when Jesus took his disciples on the mountain top. There were also two pastors from Karamoja that attended the course. I am very proud of Josh and all he is doing to help build God’s kingdom. Now the neighboring district is asking for Josh to come and do the course. These areas are so needy. They were hit hard with fighting from the Karamojan and the LRA. They really want people to come and help them. They are so grateful for the course and already people down here have heard about Josh’s teaching. I pray God continues to work in these areas and in these people.

I started to feel the baby move last week! It is soft and could be mistaken but after a few days I knew it was our baby. The baby usually kicks after I eat or am resting. It is special feeling your baby move. No one else knows or notices. It is a bond between baby and me. I am excited for Josh and the girls to be able to feel it. It shouldn’t be long because already the kicks have gotten stronger. I am so thankful with every movement that our baby is healthy.

Lydia and Stacey continue with school. Lydia sometimes gets sick of it and is very squirmy and distracted. But she is learning. She has done a lot of adding and subtracting this week and continues with printing, reading, telling time…

Stacey seems to be enjoying her time here. Sometimes it is very boring around here but she is getting a good taste of mission life. She went with Josh one day to Amuria, we have gone to market, town, Amecet, church, and to our friends. She is easy and helpful to have around. The girls love her! She plays and reads a lot to them. I am so thankful that the girls have this special time with her. We enjoy the fellowship too. We often play games at night or sit and talk.

Monday I got to go to a garage sale! (I know I am a little weird but I love them.) Our Baptist missionary friends had a sale before they leave for America for 10 months. I got a lot of good food, baby stuff, and odd and ends. I really enjoyed the afternoon of fellowship and my girls love playing with the kids. We then had dinner with them on Friday night. Good food and games! On Saturday we went to a birthday for our missionary friends from the Philippines. They had a traditional celebration with a whole roasted pig and all! It was fun and good. I am so thankful for the friendships we have here in Soroti.

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