Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mandy's Journal - Oct. 20 & 22

Oct. 20
I finished up my girls Bible study until I come back. We did a study on purity. I was so excited to talk about this with them and share that God’s Word says about purity, love, and marriage. I was a bit sad that only a few from the group came but I just trust that is who God wanted to come. The two leaders of the group came faithfully and I really enjoy teaching them. They told me that these Bible studies have changed their lives. Praise God! One of them stayed after and shared with me her struggle with purity. It confirmed to me again that it is so easy to cover up sin and how bad it is here in Soroti. I will continue to disciple the ones God has given me and pray for His work among the many others. How God desires for us to know and obey Him. When I see the effect of sin all around me I can’t believe we would forsake the joy God has for us for sinful desires.

We have all been sick around here. Josh started with the cold and since then we have all had our turn. I have it right now and it is a bad one. Sore throat, laryngitis, sinus pain, sneezing, runny nose… We hopeful that this will be all over by the time we fly home.

Lydia and I are plugging away with school. Last week we had fun learning about the five senses. I blind folded Lydia and she touched, heard, and tasted different things to figure out what they were. Fun! Now she is learning about maps. She gets sick of the basic stuff we have to do but she does enjoy learning new things.

I noticed the other day when I laid down with Grace for her nap that she still plays with her hair when she falls asleep. She did that since she was a baby. Lydia is now trying not to suck her thumb so she can pick out a new DVD of her choice when we get to MI. She has done well so far. We are praying for her.

Oct. 22
Lydia asked us last night how God makes a baby inside of me. I am as stumped as she is. It truly is a miracle. Life is from God and is amazing! I am so glad she asks such great questions.

Josh is teaching this week in Katakwi. It takes him over an hour on the motorcycle one way. He comes home pretty muddy seeing how it has been rainy. I am thankful all has gone well. Today is his last day. There is a lot of need in Katakwi. No one seems to go there and help and they have been hurt by the LRA and Karamojan. Josh is training 80 church leaders. Josh asked how many of them have a degree from a Bible college and only 6 of them raised their hands. About 10 others had started some kind of training but didn’t complete it. Most of them don’t even have High School degrees. Can you imagine? All those church leaders leading with almost no training. It is shocking. They had a really good discussion on putting family before your ministry, the importance of listening to people before you minister to them, and so many other things to at least get them thinking about what God’s word says. I am amazed at Josh and his gift to teach God’s Word. I am very proud of him. He will be tired by the end of it all and we will be ready to have him home again. But it is all worth it knowing God’s kingdom is advancing.

I have really been enjoying the weather this week – cloudy and cool. People in MI can’t understand how we love cloudy weather here. The difference here is that it protects us from the sun and 100degree temperatures. It rained softly here and there too. It must be our fall time here.

We are getting pretty anxious around here. The other night Lydia woke up and I was tucking her back in. Grace woke up and asked sleepily if we were going to the airport. It is fun to start to pack. I have begun packing things up too. No need for everything here to be left out in the dust. Two weeks from today we will travel to Kampala!

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