Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Days Back

March 25, 2009
We have been in Uganda for a whole week now. On the one hand it is amazing how quickly time passes. On the other hand, it is amazing how much time it takes to get back into the swing of things. One major adjustment has been the heat. All the Ugandans have been complaining about the heat as well - a true sign that it really is hot. Angie said her thermometer read 115 this week.
Another brake on our settling in has been the fact that our new house is not yet ready for us. As a result, we have not yet unpacked any of our luggage. We are just trying to make due with whatever we had hear, while also living around the pile of boxes and luggage in our dining room. The new landlord did give us a three month discount for the inconvenience, which told me a lot about his character. They have been working there ever since we got here and they keep telling us by Friday it will be ready for us to move in; although, some outside work will still be completed over the next month or two.
I was also quite disappointed to see how little progress there has been at Bethel Bible College. Because of this situation, I decided to get back to basics this week: connect with the Vine. Jesus promised in Jn. 15 that if we stay in Him, we will produce fruit. Ultimately, whether or not the Bible College grows is not the issue. The issue is leaders being trained, missionaries being sent, lost people being saved, and Christians growing in their faith. Therefore, I have focused my time this week, not so much on the Bible College, but on asking God to use me to produce fruit. I have been seeking more of His presence in my life.
On a much lighter note, our kids keep us smiling. Soon after our arrival Lydia mentions how nice it was not to have to wear tights. However, as the temps kept climbing, she decided she liked snow better.
On our way home from church Sunday Grace pointed out a chicken crossing the road ahead of us. I absent mindedly asked, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Lydia answered very seriously, “Because it did not want the people to catch it for dinner.” Yup, we are back in Uganda. I am glad to be hear. I know God has called us here. I am just wondering (in a positive way) how He plans to use us this year.

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