Monday, June 29, 2009

Mandy's Journal

June 29

I have been stopping in at Amecet a couple days a week. Rukiya is doing well. She is growing slowly and even looks better. She is so sweet and dear to my heart. She was in her crib yesterday just studying her hands – a new found interest. She is defiantly more alert. I am so thankful! I visited her great grandmother, Mary, at market last week. She too has visited Rukiya. Mary was so thankful and happy Rukiya was doing well. She said that Rukiya would have died. She also bought me a bunch of bananas to thank me.

Grace started pre-school last week. She loves it! She is so proud that she has school and wakes up every morning and asks if she has school. Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 Stephanie, a Calvin College student here for about 6 week, teaches Avalien and Grace. They are learning about trees. Grace has already learned to write a “G” for her name. And I love having a couple hours all to myself…okay just Luka and me.

We have been without rain here for too long. Everything has dried up and everyone was worried. With all the crops dying people had nothing to eat and were concerned they would loose their whole harvest. It is really sad. Here we are with plenty to eat and water to keep our beautiful green gardens going. How do we help – so many people. Thankfully we serve a faithful God. He has heard our prayers. We got at least a little rain this week, other areas got even more, and there are clouds in the sky which is a good sign. Pray that the rains continue so that people have the food they need to survive.

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