Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just Life

Oct. 25
I don’t have much to write but it has been awhile. We only have two weeks before we leave and it looks like it will be busy. This week we have five people from Set Free Ministries in Grand Rapids are coming to do a conference. We look forward to having them and to see God work through this conference.

Luka has just popped through his second tooth. He is now standing up everywhere and all the time. He loves standing! He pulls himself up and gets into anything he can. Josh walked past the bathroom the other day to see Luka standing in there by the stool (thankfully it was blocking the way to the toilet). I found him in our pantry he turned around and smiled at me with onion skin coming out his mouth. The girls are learning quickly that high places are no longer high enough. They do not enjoy their baby bothers new ability and curiosity. Everyone who sees him crawl are amazed at how quick he is. It is a busy time with Luka. He loves to be held and chases you around the house till you pick him up. Or he loves to get into things. We really have to watch him right now. I still wonder what he will be like on the plane – or at Grandma’s house. Watch out Grandma here Luka comes!

The girls continue to ask about going to Michigan. They must think it is never coming. Lydia only has 8 more days of school. I am starting to get emotional about it all. It has been a special year. Hard to believe Karen wont be here when we come back. She is such a part of our lives. I will miss hearing them do school each morning in the classroom. What a blessing it has been! I have to trust God will provide another wonderful teacher for our children. Grace and I were taking a walk the other day and she fell down. She stood up and said, “I am falling apart today!” She has been faithfully praying for people who are sick or lost. She prays for David, Avalien, and Claudia. I love the faith children have.

You remember David? The teenage boy who was a former LRA solider that Josh met with several times? Well seems the story is all messed up and David is a great con artist. The whole thing is disappointing. From what we know he is a street kid from Kampala, was in jail, stole a lot, has a girlfriend with a new baby, and who knows what else. The fact is he still needs a lot of help. He is not living for Jesus. Our pastor friend who took him in went through a lot. Finally, we handed David back to probation where he came from and now he is suppose to be at a government rehabilitation camp for street kids. I don’t know what will happen. All I know is that we were faithful to God and did our best. I have no regrets. David heard the gospel and knows the truth. We will continue to pray for him. God can still work in his life.

We have also been really praying for Angie and Tim as they wait to know if they are pregnant (they are adopting by Frozen Embryo). What a lot of emotions. It has been a long, hard two weeks. God has even taught me through. As I have been praying and doing my Bible study it was as though God was teaching me to wait in Him. He was telling me to hope in Him and know peace. We can always trust in Him. He is so near to us, so powerful, and listens to all our prayers. What a loving God we serve! I can’t wait to hear the news Monday because I know God is at work.

We went with our Indian friends to their New Year celebration. It was just fireworks but I am always thankful for time we can spend with them. They opened a second grocery store this week in Soroti (because their first store is so busy and doing so well). It is a really nice store. They had some kind of offering setting out to their god. I am sure it is to ask for blessing over the new store. It is our prayer someday they know true blessing from the true God.

Other than that we have been doing the normal – visiting, women’s Bible study, team meetings, looking into housing for new team mate, teaching, fixing our fence, celebrating birthdays, battling colds, and preparing for our time away. We are doing well and are so thankful. God is good isn’t He!

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