Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kampala, toothless, and sick again

October 4, 2009

Wow, fall time. It is rainy here at night but still gets into the 90’s everyday so not too much like fall. I did however put up my fall decorations. I love fall time! Five weeks from tomorrow we will be on our way to Kampala to start our journey home (MI home that is). That makes it an exciting time around here. The girls can’t wait!

We had a wonderful break in Kampala last week. We stayed at our favorite hotel one night. I just sat back, looked around, and felt so thankful. I love watching my kids play in the pool and playing with them. I enjoy seeing their excitement as they rode the horses. I love nice places where we can totally relax. We had so much fun as a family. Of course I loved the food – no making it, no clean up, no planning – just enjoying. Yummy! I am so blessed to have a husband who loves his family and sees the value in special family time even when it cost a little extra money. I am so thankful to God. He always provides just what we need.

The big news from Lydia is that she lost her first tooth. She was (is) so excited! She woke us up Friday morning to tell us her tooth was loose. All day long she wiggled it. By afternoon the tooth came out at the pool. She looks so cute. The funny thing is she dropped it and we could not find it. The next day at the pool we found it again. Then the next day she lost it again – for good. Thankfully she didn’t seem to mind. She is too excited trying to get another tooth loose. So now we have one child loosing teeth and one child getting teeth.

Luka learned to clap. He thinks he is pretty special when we all cheer because he claps. He really likes to be held lately. Josh has said more than once how we need a grandma around.

Our first day back from Kampala Grace had a fever. I couldn’t believe it. How can we have another sick child? By afternoon her fever got up to 104degrees! I almost panicked. She didn’t have any other symptoms other than a cold and her stomach hurt. We gave her a bath and waited for the medicine to kick in. And we called our team and family to pray for her. Grace is a very good girl when she is sick. We prayed over her that night and I just knew God was going to heal her. Sure enough by morning she had no fever! I give all the credit to God. You do not go from 104 fever to nothing. God heard and answered our prayers! He loves us so much. I love Him so much. I am so grateful He is the one who created my children, knows them, and takes care of them. I am not sure why we have had so much sickness the last month. Maybe we are being attacked to bring discouragement? Whatever the reason I am so glad God is always with us.

We also took Tabitha, our house help and friend, to the doctor in Kampala. About a year and a half ago we took her and they said she had PID (Pelvic Inflammation Disease) but nothing has changed so we went to another place for a second option. Anything medical here seems to be frustrating. It takes a lot of time and money – and we still don’t have answers. They said she has a UTI, a cyst, and probably scar tissue from a surgery. We are supposed to go back in a couple months for a repeat ultra sound and they gave her more medicine. Now the medication is finished and she was so sick again yesterday she couldn’t work. Nothing has changed. I feel like the doctors we see don’t get how sick she is and don’t test enough. I don’t know what to do. I just want to give up, but if I were her would I want to live in pain? What to do?

That is the update for now. We are doing really well. Looking forward to Grace’s 4th birthday a week from today! (Actually, Mom is having a hard time seeing them grow up so fast.) I will write again as soon as I get a minute or have something to write about. Love you all and am grateful for each prayer.

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