Saturday, November 7, 2009


Nov. 7
One last journal before we go!

Last week was a busy one. A group from Set Free Ministries in Grand Rapids came to train church leaders. It was a great group to have. We were blessed to have them around and by their ministry here. The men, Paul and Jeff, led a three day conference while the women, Dalene, Robin, and Gwen, spoke in a high school and to a group of women. I went with the ladies each day. It was really different for me to be out. I admit I missed my kids and felt a bit out of control with things at home, but I also really enjoyed the ministry. I was inspired once again. I love teaching God’s Word and His truths. I have a real burden to reach the youth and women here. The youth need to be pure and to do that they need to know and live for Jesus. The women here are suffering. I feel for them. They work so hard, they have so many kids, their husbands are absent…

The ladies taught on purity and gave their testimonies to the youth and taught on God’s way for marriage, family planning, and parenting. I think the people here were touched by their testimonies and freedom they have. One of the days we had a crazy man in the church while we were teaching the women. Boy was that distracting and scary. We prayed a lot. He threw things and shouted. I just wanted another man to come and be our hero but the only thing I saw the neighbor men do was sit and laugh. Finally, thankfully, he did leave. As we talked about different birth controls one of the women asked how she could get her husband to agree when he comes home drunk and forces sex. Another woman was there with two children. One was a year old and the other two years old. The two year old was very sickly. To top it off the father had left them. I can get so frustrated and mad. This is wrong! There are no easy, simple answers. But I overwhelmingly feel we need to point them to Jesus. He is their answer, their hope, their peace, their help… I strongly encouraged them to be close to God. To know His Word, have a relationship with Him, obey Him, and pray for our husbands. I don’t know how God is going to use me to encourage these women but I pray somehow He will.

Now we are in full blown packing and preparing mode. It takes a lot of organization. Have all the details in order here, pack for our family of five, say goodbyes, and have everything lined up in MI. Ah, but it is all good and we are excited. The last days I always feel a bit funny about leaving. I do look forward to everything in MI but I am leaving my home here. I was really sad this week about saying goodbye to team mates knowing they will be gone when we return. It has been a special year. It is really hard to say goodbye to Karen, Lydia’s teacher. What a blessing! We had a meeting this week and spent time telling each other why we are thankful for each other or what we appreciate about each other. What a great thing to do! We were all so encouraged by it.

So off we go. Monday we travel to Kampala, Tuesday night we fly to London where we are staying with friends for two days, then Friday we fly into Chicago. Please pray for a safe journey and for good health. Pray for our kids. All the change – goodbyes, Lydia ending school, traveling, new places – can sometimes come out in different ways. Lydia tends to worry and Grace gets upset easily. Luka is a mover so you can pray he is content on the long flights. We will be speaking while we are home (Josh will be preaching at most of them) so for those of you who haven’t seen it I put our speaking schedule below. Hope to see you!

Our blog maybe quite boring the next couple months – sorry. I will try to at least put some picture of our trip sometime. May your holidays be blessed with God’s presence!

15 Lucas CRC 6pm
22 Ivanrest CRC
8:30 & 11am
Jamestown CRC 6:00pm
29 Cadillac CRC 10:30am
Nov. 30 – Dec. 9 Pray for Josh’s trip to Nigeria

6 Kellogesville CRC
9:30am (Mandy only)
13 Georgetown CRC
8:30 & 11am
East Martin CRC 6pm
20 Highland CRC 9:30am
27 Mc Bain CRC 10:30am

3 Roosevelt Park 10am
Faith Comm. 5:30pm

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