Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On "vacation" in MI

We have all settled into life in MI quite well. The girls remember everything and fit right back in. Luka on the other hand didn't know anyone or anything from this strange new world. His world, life, and all he knows is in Uganda. He was pretty quiet and afraid at times. Thankfully little people adjust quickly. He is a good baby. We have messed him up pretty good with so many diffent beds, time change, and lack of schedule going here and there. But all in all he has done very well. It is a joy to share him with everyone here. He now knows his grandparents and smiles with delight to see them. Everyone thinks he is very quiet and so good. And of course talk about his big eyes. He is really quick crawling around everywhere and finding new things to get into. He is walking holding on to things. I don't think it will be too long before he takes his first step. Almost 11 months now!

The girls are really enjoying their time here. Our second week here Grace asked if the sun shines here. I guess it is quite different form bright sunshine everyday in Uganda. Lydia loves school! She asked if she could stay in first grade forever. I am so thankful she fit right back in so well. I miss having her around though. I love to hear her talk about school. It makes me want to sit in class someday and see what they do and see what Lydia is like in school. I am still amazed at what little 6 year olds can do. She loves riding the bus. The neighbors behind my parents (where we are staying) also go to one of our supporting churches and their kids go to school with Lydia. They have been a blessing to us. They helped Lydia with the bus and play with her. Grace is also in school! She so badly wanted to go to school too that we put her in preschool with her cousin for three weeks. She goes Monday and Wednesday mornings. She seems to like it. Her favorite is art. They both have Christmas programs coming up so we are looking forward to that.

We are living at my parents house while we are here. It has been wonderful to spend so much time with them. We took them out to supper one night to thank them and Josh gave them a beautiful gift to thank them for me. It was our ten year anniversary this year so he wanted to thank them for giving him a wonderful wife. What a guy. Mom and I have had a lot of quality time just being home, shopping, having lunch together... So nice.

So what have we been up to? Hunting, putting our kids in school, going to Mc Bain, celebrating Thanksgiving, shopping for goodies to take back, meeting with friends and supporters, speaking and peaching at our supporting churches, in a wedding, Josh went to Nigeria, sharing at chapel and GEMS, putting up the Christmas tree, playing in the snow, eating at out favorite restrurants, doctor appointments... Keeping busy yet able to enjoy and be refreshed.

Josh's sister Katie got married Nov. 21. What fun! I really enjoyed the rehersal. It was like a date with my husband (no kids - how relaxing). I also really enjoyed spending time with Josh's family. The wedding was a beautiful fall day. Everyone looked so nice. Our kids looked adorable! I was so proud of them. I stood up in the wedding. The dresses looked so nice. Josh was the pastor. He did great. His message was so moving. I am always so impressed with his gift of preaching. I am so glad we were home to be apart of this special time.

Speaking has gone really well too. What a joy it is to share with our supporters all God is doing. I find that coming home, speaking, and watching our DVD allows me to reflect on the year and see all God has done. When you are in the situation and there is frustrations sometimes we fail to see God at work. As I step back and see how God used us I get emotional. I am so thankful - God used me. I just want to give Him the glory! I feel re-energized and want to serve again. It is always an encouragement to hear how God is using us to touch people here. When people appreciate us and what we do we are strengthened to keep going. All the people who pray for us, support us, and love us is humbling and enpowering. Josh has been preaching too. What a powerful, challenging sermon on missions. The church has work to do. Sometimes I wonder what God is calling us to next. Honestly, sometimes I am a bit afraid. Will He call us to more? To the Muslim world? Will our lives be taken for Christ? Wow. All I know is I will never stop sharing Him. He is everything to me.

Josh comes home from Nigeria today! (Ok, that is if the blizzard doesn't come first!) He was there for 10 days. It sounds like he had a great reunion with our friends and the church in Mahula. Can't wait to hear about it all. What a blessing for him and them. They were impressed he remembered them, their language, and came back to visit.

I guess that is it in a nutshell. I will try to update you all later. Until then, Merry Christmas! Jesus is a great reason to celebrate!!!

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