Sunday, January 24, 2010

Faith & Fear

Jan 23
I want to share what God has been teaching me through my Beth Moore Bible study on the fruits of the spirit called Living Beyond Yourself. I think it is important to share because I think it applies to more than me and can help others as it did me. The subject is faith and fear.

Fear is the arch emeny of faith. Satan takes advantage of our fear of disappointment, our fear that God might not “prove” Himself, and our fear of humiliation before others. Too often we are scared to believe God. Where great fear exists, no faith can survive. Where great faith lives, destructive fear cannot live.

We have nothing to fear. The powers of this world are nothing compared to the armies in heaven fighting on our behalf. Fear can cripple faith but just as true faith cripples fear. God’s Word is full of faithful promises we need to sling to and believe. Whether fear or faith prevails depends on the commander we salute to.

Faith sometimes means knowing God can, whether or not He does. Nothing is too big for God. Too often we fail to pray. Without God it is too big and we can’t do it. Christ, who can do it all, lives in us. So, have faith!

These words struck because of two things in mind. First, myself. I have had to deal with fear in my life. So easily my worry can become fear which can become panic. I can fear myself out of almost anything. I feel I should lead a Bible study then I get afraid. Will I have time, will I have time to prepare, who will watch the kids, what if no one comes, what if they don’t speak English, what if I don’t like it… Or we have to travel somewhere in Uganda. I could quickly let my mind wonder and worry about our safety and not want to go. Fear can paralyze. Or about my kids, plans, family, our support, health, safety…fears can be endless. I have learned to stop my fear by going to God. I need to put my focus on Him and believe His promises. Satan wants to stop me and knows how. Bind me in fear. But God is not a God of fear. I was reassured again that God wants me to have faith not fear. He wants me to believe in Him.

Second, it made me think of all Christians who have allowed fear to keep them from serving God. Every time we go to MI and speak we have people say they could never do what we do. I understand what they are saying yet I also want to say yes you can. Just like I had to trust in God and go you can too. Are we letting fear limit us – limit God? Recently, I have realized a lot of Christians (mostly family members) are holding back other Christians who want to be missionaries. Why because of fear. Fear of leaving, letting them go, not seeing grandchildren, not seeing grandparents, safety, health, the unknown, comforts taken away, not getting the support you need, our own well being taken away, too much need…the list goes on and on. And the reasons are all true. BUT where is God in all of that?! Is not your God bigger and able to do all things? He can keep you safe, be your peace when you leave loved ones, provide for all your needs, keep you healthy or heal you, make a way, give you peace… We need to remove the fear by having faith in our God. Satan is successfully stopping missions by putting fear in us. And we are believing it instead of God. I know this is a strong message but I really thing it is true. We need to take our eyes off of ourselves and put them on God. It is about Him and for Him. Don’t let fear lead you. By faith my fellow Christians, by faith.

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