Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pray for Luka

(written by Tim Sliedrecht on behalf of Josh & Mandy Shaarda)

On Monday, March 8, Josh & Mandy rushed their 1-year-old son, Luka, 6-hours to the hospital in Kampala because he hadn't eaten anything since Friday and became lethargic. They found out that he was dehydrated and had shigellosis, one of the most severe forms of the bacterial-induced diarrheas, related to e. coli and salmonella.

They were able to get him hydrated, but he didn't improve. Now his kidneys are failing and he has become anemic. It appears he has Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in which the bacteria has entered his bloodstream and is killing his red-blood cells. He is currently being medically evacuated to Nairobi for kidney dialysis and a blood transfusion .

Please pray for Luka, for Josh & Mandy, and for their two girls, Lydia & Grace, who are back in Soroti with Bobby & Rachel Kolb, our teammates.


  1. Josh and Mandy we are praying that God will wrap his arms around you during this diffuclt time and give you strength, and that God may use his healing hands on Luka.

  2. We are praying for you and your families, Josh & Mandy.
    Love you all,
    Amy Vredevoogd & family

  3. We are actively praying for baby Luka! We have a daughter just around his age and can't help but personalize what you are going through. We are praying that the Lord places His hands on your precious baby's body and just heals him!! May God bless all of you! The Lauffers

  4. praying for strength, healing and hope.


  5. A prayer from Psalm 38: We are bowed down and brought very low;
    all day long I go about mourning.
    My back is filled with searing pain;
    there is no health in our body.
    We am feeble and utterly crushed;
    We groan in anguish of heart.
    All our longings lie open before you, Lord;
    our sighing is not hidden from you.
    My heart pounds, my strength fails me;
    even the light has gone from my eyes.

    LORD, we wait for you;
    you will answer, Lord my God.

    LORD, do not forsake the Shaardas;
    do not be far from me, my God.
    Come quickly to help them,
    my Lord and my Savior

  6. The Prayers are abundant. It was on the christian radio station this morning.The church prayer lines and everyone your friends and family can reach. I just want to encourage you and let you know we are all praying that God would put his healing hands on Luka.
    Todd and Amanda Shaarda

  7. Praying for little Luka. Praying for healing and wisdom for the doctors treating him, and for your family.

  8. Josh & Mandy,
    Everyone we could think to have pray for Luka and your family is praying. I've been praying Zepheniah 3:17 over and over all day today:
    "Lord, you are with Luka and his family, you are mighty to save; you delight in Luka and his family; quiet them with your unfailing love; you rejoice over them with singing." Trusting in the HOPE we have in Jesus on your behalf, and feeling your hurt and loving you deeply,
    The Vanderkoois

  9. Praying for you all in this tough situation. . .God bless

  10. We are praying for peace that passes understanding for you two. We are praying for complete healing for Luka. We are praying for Lydia and Grace as they are big sisters with worries. We are praying that God will be undeniable to the doctors and nurses and that they will see God in this healing process.

  11. Josh and Mandy, I heard about you through friends I know on Facebook. Please know that the number of people praying for little Luka is growing here in Michigan through word of mouth and the internet. We are flooding Heaven with prayers for your precious little boy. Stay strong and know that many are thinking and praying with and for you.

  12. Constant prayers for you guys - Love you! Bob and Jane Brouwer - Lisa and Kari

  13. Josh and Mandy - we cannot know what you are experiencing right now. And we do not know what the future has in store. But we DO know that our Almight Healer is holding you all in His mighty hands right now. You are being lifted up by many many people, and the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective!! Hold on to Him and lean hard. We are praying boldly and fervently for Luke and your whole family!

  14. Praying for your little Luka from Michigan. Megan asked for prayers for your little warrior prince. May your little one have just what he needs to endure and may you have strength for the journey.


  15. Praying for Luka and family. You have lots of support here in the states!!

  16. Josh and Mandy, we are lifting Luka up to the Great Physician tonight. We know that our God is a God of miracles and that His plan is perfect. Please know that Prosper Church is covering you all in our prayers also. May God wrap tightly, His arms around you and your son at this time.
    Mike and Sue Yount and family

  17. Praying for your family, and for healing for Luka. May God's peace fill your hearts.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. We are praying fervently for you in Grand Rapids, Josh, Mandy, Luka and girls; we know that our powerful God can bring complete healing.

    Nicci (Stahl) McDonald

  20. Josh and Mandy,
    We are praying for you. My students and the staff at my school are also praying for a miracle, which we firmly believe God can do. May He give you the needed strength to see this through to His completion.

  21. Praying for a miracle for Luke.

  22. Hey Josh and Mandy, We are asking God earnestly to heal your son! I can understand your concern for getting the right treatment for Luka.
    We miss you all and are looking forward to getting back to our ministry in Soroti and Serere.

  23. My twins are friends with Abby and Anna at church and school and have been praying for Luca daily. We pray for Gods hand over the medical staff as Luca gets stronger.

  24. Our sweet sister and brother in Christ and ministry!
    Take comfort that in addition to so many prayers from your family and friends in GR and all around the world, rising to our Great Physician, we have many in NW Michigan AND Minnesota praying too...
    Praying for peace, comfort, health and protection for you Josh and Mandy; for wisdom and accuracy for all medical personnel; and for complete healing with NO long term consequences for Luka...bringing all of these requests to the foot of the cross, and asking God to keep you all, tightly gripped in His embrace while He carries you through this time, closer than ever to His loving side.
    We love you
    Russ and Marcia

  25. Lifting the entire family up and have added them to prayer blog as well!

    Trusting Luka to the loving and healing hands of our Lord and confidant that Josh and Mandy are held tightly in His grip!

    Dave and Ginger Behrens

  26. In case any of you didn't get the e-mail:My name is Dotun Modupe, a co-International Teams missionary of the Shaardas. I serve and live in Nairobi, Kenya with my wife, Ami.

    I'm sending this to you on behalf of Josh and Mandy. Some of you may have already received news that Luka, their youngest child, was airlifted to Kenya last night for emergency medical treatment. After a long and rough day, they finally arrived in Nairobi at midnight.

    Upon arrival, they were immediately taken to Gertrude’s Children's Hospital in Muthaiga, Nairobi ( ) where Luka was admitted. He has already had blood transfusion and is currently at the ICU where he is undergoing dialysis. He is far from where he should be. His condition is still critical but he is somewhat stable (not doing worse, just not much improvement).

    The doctors and staff are doing their best to ensure that he is well taken care of.

    I visited them today and even though they have had some tough experiences, they are doing okay. They are handling the situation with much grace. They have unwavering trust that the Lord will complete Luka's healing.

    Here's a link to some pictures taken by Mandy of Luka to share with you at You can click on the link and it should take you to the pictures.

    The Shaardas continue to covet your prayers. They are seeing the Lord's hand and feeling the prayers you are offering up for Luka. They will continue to update you whenever possible.

    Thank you all so much.

    for the Shaarda family

  27. praying for your little Luka!

  28. We are lifting up your precious little boy to our Lord and praying also for peace and comfort for you as your are away from your girls. May God's healing hand touch Luka. Love, Dale & Bonnie Brinks

  29. Josh and Mandy,
    You have all been in our constant prayers since we heard about Luka.
    May you feel the strong arms of Jesus wrapped around you and may the prayers of so many uphold you.
    We send our love and prayers.
    Larry & Linda Klein

  30. We are praying for Luka and your family. May God's grace be with you.
    "May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
    may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
    May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion." -Psalm 20:1-2
    Darrin and Sarah (Brink) Compagner
