Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grace's Surgery Update

Tuesday I saw someone in the store who asked when Grace would get her tonsils out. I said, "tomorrow." Grace piped in, "I get my tonsils out tomorrow -- I am so excited!" I thought, oh my, this girl has not idea what she is in for. All she heard is people telling her she was going to get lots of ice cream and slushies.

We were a bit worried considering all Luka has just been through that having surgery would be a bit traumatic for Grace, but she did great. She was quiet, but calm and cooperative. Josh went in with her and held the mask on her until she fell asleep. After surgery she was a bit agitated. She wanted the IV out and wanted to got home. We got her settled down. She did not feel well and threw up. After two hours in recovery we were on our way home.

Grace slept a lot. When she woke up she finally talked for the first time. She was up and down the rest of the day. We tried to keep her drinking. Later she wanted to eat but her stomach did not like it; she tossed it all over Josh. (Yuck!) Thankfully she slept well all night.

Her Grandpa and grandma Shaarda surpised Grace and came down from McBain to see her. Another friend brought ice cream. Many people called to let us know they were praying for Grace. When we told Grace she said, "I am so glad people are praying for me." Me too, Grace.

Thank you for praying for Grace. Again I could see God answer our prayers. Grace was so at peace and is recovering well. Praise God He is always with us and is our healer.


  1. I'm jumping for joy with how Grace is such a trooper and God is so good. Happy trails.

  2. Yes! Praise God! Thank you for the update.

  3. Mandy, I'm so glad I got to see you today! You are as beautiful as ever! Your smile just lights up a room!

    So thankful your little princess did well. I will be praying for your trip back home and for your precious sister!

    Much love my friend from all those years ago :D


  4. I'm glad that she did well. Praying for a safe trip back for you as well.
