Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back from Kenya

July 27
We are back from Kenya – truly blessed. Last Monday we were privileged to attend a missionary retreat provided by Christian Hospitality Network (CHN) and Christ Fellowship Church (from Tennessee). Two years ago we went to the CHN retreat in Malta so when we heard about the Kenya retreat we were excited. I cannot describe to you the love these people pour upon you. From the minute you arrive and they meet you until you leave they want to bless you. We stayed at a retreat center in the mountains where we enjoyed very cool temperatures (like 50degrees at night). I enjoyed wearing a sweatshirt (that usually hangs in my closet in Soroti because it is too hot to wear) and I loved the fire in our room each night – ahh the warmth, glow, and crackle. We were all given goodie bags when we arrived. The girls were excited about their new coloring books and Luka played with his ball all week. The conference had hairdressers, a lady who gave massages, a physical therapist, doctors, chiropractor, and people to play with the kids. What more could we ask for! We were treated to three meals a day and tea time twice a day. In the evening they had a worship time. It was wonderful. Our whole team was there and other friends from Soroti. We met many other people too. I wish you could have seen Lydia there. She loves people and this was totally her thing (ok, mine too). By the end of the first day she was thanking us for taking her because the people are so nice. She made friends with every volunteer who came from Tennessee and with all the kids. She sat with someone different almost every meal and at worship. I am so glad she was able to be with so many great people.

CHN and Christ Fellowship Church also paid for all of us to go on one fun outing. Our family chose to go on a walking safari on Crescent Island. We rode in one of those big safari trucks which was a bumpy, windy, and slow experience but really neat when we were seeing the animals. Our first stop was the look out at Rift Valley. It is beautiful and quite amazing. Then we went to the island. While we drove in we saw zebras, antelope, and my favorite giraffe. Then we took a hour and a half walk amongst these animals and others. It was quite something and something we had never done before. There were a lot of zebras and wildebeests. The closest we got was probably 50ft away. It was pretty neat when a heard of animals went stampeding by. Our kids were not enjoying it in the beginning because they had sandals on and they didn’t like the grass on their feet and then Lydia stepped on a huge throne. But once they were over that they did think it was neat. I am glad we got to do something so unique and special.

We really hoped to back to the water park with our kids the last day when the retreat was done and we were waiting for our flight, but it is their winter and too cold for water parks. We did however get to do some shopping (Kenya has more available) and we played miniature golf with the girls.

Luka also had his appointment with his kidney doctor in Kenya. We tried to get the labs done in Kampala but they didn’t give us the exact reading we needed. It was nice to see his doctor again and there we did the labs we needed. Luka’s protein is down again and ALMOST to normal. Thank you Lord. But the doctor does want to see Luka again in September to check again. So that means another visit to Kenya.

We spent one day in Kampala before coming back to Soroti. We were able to visit some new friends from India. We heard about them through a friend and sent them a Hindi Bible because they are Christians. He is an engineer and they live in a very simple apartment. They were so happy to have us and even wanted us to stay with them. She cooked us some Indian food too. I am so impressed with them. They are the first Indian Christians I have met. They have been Christians for 14 years now. There are 20 Indian Christians in Kampala out of thousands. It is exciting to hear their witness for the Lord.

We are now back into life in Soroti. It took a few days. The girls were a bit sick the first day and my stomach is still getting better. It is always a little sad to come back. I am thankful for my home and everything but all the excitement and fun is done. But after a couple days I am over that and back into life here. We began school again which helps. And today I went with Jennifer to the village to see a family with disabled children. It is always a humbling experience. They have so little and then to have such disabled children that they wont live a full life, it is hard to take. Their disabled baby died two weeks ago. Suffering is everywhere. Jesus is the only hope for all of us. I am glad I could go and bring them a little encouragement and to remind me once again how truly blessed I am.

Thanks for praying for our trip to Kenya and Luka's doctor appointment!

(More pictures to come! Pray for our internet to work it is SO frustrating.)

1 comment:

  1. The retreat sounded amazing... I pray that your spirits were renewed and your bodies rested, so that you can once again serve in Soroti with all of your being. May God bless your journey.
