Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pray Request

August 28

I just had to write and ask for prayer. I don’t know all the details but a couple of the street kids were put in jail. Our teammate who works with the street kids noticed that a couple of the regular kids didn’t come to play soccer today. Later he found out that the police arrested them. I have heard two different reasons: 1. they were being idol or 2. they were doing drugs either way there are no charges pressed and two kids are sitting in jail. Kids! Our teammate brought them food and we are working with other Ugandans to figure out what to do.

Really I am furious. I can’t stand injustice. After living in third world countries, I now know why God hates injustice. It is wrong! What do you do about it? I, a white, wealthy (compared to my neighbors here), American, feels helpless in the face of injustices. How my Ugandan neighbors and friends must feel. You are trapped and can’t do anything. Power is a dangerous thing. No wonder people just give up and hopelessness abounds.

As always, I run to Jesus – my source of help and peace. He is bigger than these big things we face. He knows all about injustice and loves to defend the cause of the helpless. He is the Father of those boys and loves them far beyond our love. He also has more mercy for those we want to be angry at. I can trust in my God. Please pray for the street boys in jail, the other street kids, those causing the injustice, and us as we see and deal with injustices everyday.

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