Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grandpa & Grandma are almost here!

We are getting so excited! Josh’s parents, Paul and Carole Shaarda, are coming. They fly out of Grand Rapids on Monday September 13 and arrive in Uganda on the 14th. They will be with us for three weeks. We look forward to showing them the beauty of Uganda, our home, lives, and ministry here. The kids are anxious for Grandpa and Grandma to come – counting down the days. Lydia said today, “I am just going to cry with happiness when I see them.” (Seems unreal that they will soon be here -- sitting in our home with us.) Please pray for them. Pray for peace as they finish up packing and begin the big journey. Pray for their flights and for good health and safety the whole trip. (We do not want any ones back to go out!) We look forward to the blessing of having them here.

Please also pray for Mandy and Luka as they fly to Kenya on Monday for Luka’s appointment with his kidney doctor. We are praying he is now 100% and this will be his last visit to Kenya.

Thanks everyone!

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