Sunday, September 5, 2010

Prayer Request

Thanks to all of you who prayed for the training two weeks ago in Katakwi. We had 26 participants successfully complete the training. The road was rough (I had to replace 13 spokes on my back wheel over the course of the week) but the week went well. We had good discussions and people were successfully trained in how to teach the Christian faith to people of different ages.

This coming week I will be leading a training in Amuria, one hour Northeast of Soroti. The topic this week is "Preaching Biblical Sermons." This is not my favorite topic (I think partly because I have no training in this area) but believe it is important since people are preaching every week. Please pray that those who attend will successfully learn to prepare and present a sermon that is Biblically sound.

Next week we will be going to Kampala. Mandy and Luka will be flying to Nairobi for another check-up with Luka's kidney specialist. Luka's urine still has excess protien. They will return to Uganda 20 minutes before Josh's parents arrive. That's right, Paul and Carole are coming for their first visit! Please pray for them as they make that long journey and as we spend three weeks together.

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