Saturday, November 6, 2010

Team Retreat

November 5, 2010
Oh, how I have waited for a moment to write again. I am a communicator and find writing and speaking energizing and a source of joy. (Our team spiritual retreat was all about sharing who we are with each other I was confirmed again with who God made me to be…but more on that to come.)

So my sister Jenna left about 10 days ago now. We ended her trip with a pedicure and manicure while sipping on Chai and eating a homemade cinnamon raisin bagel – just us ladies…Ahh how nice. (Do we have great husbands or what?!) She also got to do some craft shopping and have her first Indian meal (we love our Indian restaurants in Uganda). And then of course a tearful goodbye but mostly just thankful she came and now knows what our lives are like here. Luka asks for “Nenna” now and then which just brings back all the good memories. Thanks for coming Jenna!

After Jenna left we were off to our next adventure – our 2010 Team Beyond Spiritual Retreat. What a blessing it was. All 22 of us (including the 9 kids and Beckie’s parents who flew in to help with the kids at the retreat) piled into a boat with all the luggage and road one minute south of the equator on Lake Victoria to an island paradise. (Thanks for choosing the location Angie!) Our team had a home, with a pool and beach, to ourselves for four days. Wow, it was beautiful. Every morning we woke up to a panoramic view of Lake Victoria from our room. (Okay, the no curtain thing is ok when you are alone on an island but with a group it makes it quite tricky to get dressed – did I also mention no door on our room.) And every night listening to the waves and watching the lights from the main land twinkle. Before you get too jealous you should know the full story. We had a beautiful beach but could not swim in the water because of unclean water and crocs. There were bats around which means even in my doorless room. We were without power the first two nights so we knew we were still in Uganda. But all in all it was so much fun. We spent a lot of time in our private pool, sat around taking in the beauty and peacefulness (as peaceful as it can be with 9 kids around), and having fun with each other. (And no food preparations or clean up!)

Ok, by now you are thinking how nice to have those perks as a missionary I’d love to go on a “spiritual retreat”. You are welcomed to join us on the mission field. In all seriousness though, it was a blessed time of growth for our team. Our focus was on getting to know one another and in doing so build the foundation of trust for our team. We really feel God has finally given us a team (permanent members) which is exciting to see God working in and through all of us. We met twice a day to share our Life Map which is telling your story, sharing your spiritual gifts, your strengths, and personality. I find it really fun to get to know people. Everyone on my team knows I am an open book and love to share but for others it doesn’t come so naturally. For lack of better words our team really bonded. No matter who we are, where we came from, what we have been through Christ is the one who unites us. The last night we shared communion together – what a perfect way to end our retreat. One family, one purpose, one Savior.

And now we are home. I am so happy! We are home and staying put for awhile. We are back into a routine and loving it. We need it. We are all a bit run down and sick (actually almost our whole team for over a month now!). It is like the never ending cold that changes every few days. Luka is our worst right now. He started a fever the last day of the retreat and now has a rash all over his body and even throw up this morning. Poor guy. He is pretty miserable unless he has Tylenol. I don’t think it is anything to be concerned about (our girls have had Roseola and Scarlet Fever and it is different than that) hopefully he will be better soon.

Guess that is it for now. Can’t wait to write again soon. Thanks for all your prayers especially for our health. Enjoy Fall time for me – crisp air, a sweatshirt on, football, apples, pumpkin pie…I can almost imagine. Thankfully I have our fall decorations up and have pumpkin and apple crisp baking in the oven!


  1. After reading your blog and interviewing you for my article, I know you guys deserve those special perks for being missionaries. :) You guys are doing some cool things in Uganda. Prayers from Oregon.

  2. Thanks for sharing your amazing retreat experience. O how great it is when Brethren dwell together in unity!

  3. So fun. :)
    Both visualizing the retreat and reading this one.
    I can't help myself from getting envy of this adventure you have.
