Saturday, November 20, 2010


November 20

As all of you in Michigan get colder, we are heating up here in Uganda. The rains have slowed down (almost stopped), everything is dry, the temperatures are up, and the lack of clouds has left us with an intense sunshine again. Just puts you in the mood for the holidays doesn’t it? Even with the heat I am excited to celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving next week. We have 13 adults and 10 kids coming so it should feel and sound just like a real Beute Thanksgiving!

I have been teaching Lydia and Grace full time the last couple weeks since Beckie has been (and will be pretty much through December) away doing ministry. I really enjoy being in the classroom with my kids. I like having control over their schooling and being with them so much. Sometimes I struggle with how to teach things. I am not a trained teacher but I am doing my best. Lydia does not like doing Math and sometimes complains for hours. I was so glad this week she actually enjoyed it. She is really good at it too. She also loves cursive writing. Grace has done great too. She is a good student and learns so fast. She is now sounding out small words, counting by 2, 5, and 10’s, and this week learned about the five senses. We have been having fun this week making Thanksgiving things. I love being creative! We also celebrated our 50th day of school last week. We party for any reason. I really am happy when I think about how well it is going. But it is a part time job and takes a lot of my time so everything and everyone else get less of my time. I am thankful Tabitha plays with Luka when I teach but I miss him. And someone has to prepare the meals still and there is no ordering pizza around here. For now, I am just thankful for our little school but I do wonder what the years to come will look like.

The bummer of the week, I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring! After having it 12 years it is so far nowhere to be found. I am so thankful I have a husband who bought my diamond at the Gem Factory in Michigan where they man make the diamonds and sell them for a fraction of the price. So we are out $50. I will be glad however when I am wearing my wedding ring again.

Josh’s teaching continues to be a blessing. After a visitor talked to two of the pastors that Josh trains we realized that between the two of them they go out and train another 150 people each month. How encouraging. That is exactly what God wants to happen – the ripple effect.

We had three ladies come on a vision trip to see our team here in Soroti. A vision trip consists of getting to know our team, seeing the ministries we are involved in, and experiencing Uganda. Now our team is praying to know weather it is God’s will for these ladies to be on our team. Big decisions – glad it is God’s and not ours.

Some of you may know that my brother Chris is going to serve in Guatemala for six month starting the end of November. We are really excited and proud of him. He will be working in the slums and in the prisons using art as the means to do ministry. What a life changing journey God is leading him on. So now that is the third Beute child who will be going on the mission field. My Dad and Mom are so supportive of us all but like my Dad said they aren’t ready for another piece of their hearts to go. Pray for Chris and our family.

I want to end with saying Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I am truly thankful for each one of you who loves us, remembers us, prays for us, encourages us, and supports us. We need you. We thank God for you. We have so very much to be thankful for. It is a year long celebration of God’s goodness. I look back over the year and can’t help but give praise to God for Luka. I will never get over the miracle God did and will not stop giving Him glory for it. We are thankful for Luka! I also am more thankful each year for my husband. He is an example of Christ to me. I am thankful for Lydia and Grace and the joy of watching them grow in the Lord and learn. They teach me so much. I am thankful for our home and the peace and contentment I feel living here. I am thankful for the faithful protection God gives us each day. I am thankful for our team and other missionary friends here. For our families at home who continue to love us from afar. For God’s Word that assures me each day. I could go on and on… My heart is overflowing with gratitude to my Father. He is the giver of all good things and we are truly blessed with many good things. Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Hey Josh... sounds like we need to take another road trip to the jeweler!! Sorry to hear the diamond got lost Mandy.
    Also, how did court go?

  2. o, I will just read the next post. :) Praise God that He is the judge of all things.
