Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

January 9, 2011

Happy New Year everyone! God was so loving and faithful last year I can hardly wait what He has planned for this year. Isn’t it great to know He is always with us and already has the plans for this year. I realize now that every year is a chance to grow closer to Him and more like Him. All glory to Him.

We had a really fun New Years Eve just hanging out with our friends the Kolbs and Dwires. We played games, ate appetizers, and the kids favorite -- watching fireworks at mid-night. I was thankful for friends to celebrate with. On New Years Day the Pitmans came over for a picnic lunch and a few rounds of corn hole. At night we, unfortunately, watched Michigan State get creamed at the Pitmans.

Then we headed to Kampala. We spent two nights at the Speke Resort one of our family’s favorite places to go. We go about once a year for a treat. The girls have talked about it since last year so they were SUPER excited. On the way there I think Grace asked every 15 minutes if we were there yet (a five hour drive). So for three days we swam, enjoyed wonderful meals, and of course rode the horses. Lydia and Grace love riding the horses! And now we can add Luka to that – he loved the horses too! It is kinda funny cause our girls are very afraid of animals and even walking around to see the horses they are very nervous but on the horses they are fine. So I asked Lydia why that is. She said they don’t like the front end. I laughed right out loud. Luka was really cute too. He sat on the horse and took a few little rides with Josh next to him. Luka pet the horse and smiled. We had a really nice few days as a family. Oh course Lydia throw-up the last night all over and Grace did the last morning at breakfast. Thankfully it was our last day and by 2pm they were feeling well enough to swim a little and take one last horse ride. I am sure we will be hearing about this till next year when we go again.

Our van was worked on the whole time we were in Kampala – the engine was overhauled. Then when we did get it back the mechanic said we’d need a new engine in a year. Great. And then, like every other time, it didn’t drive just right on the way home and is now not running at all. Sometimes I just want to scream. Our van worked great for about three years now for about a year we get something worked on only to have it not work or make something worse. We have tried several mechanics and I don’t trust any of them anymore to get it right. I just want a good, trust worthy mechanic so our van can be fixed properly! This time the mechanic is coming from Kampala to make it right (at least we hope). I guess in it all I realize how spoiled and dependant we are on our vehicles. Most people in the world don’t owe one and we think we can’t live without one. There is always a lesson to learn and something to be thankful for.

We are home now and things are a bit quieter around here. The tree is put away so Christmas is officially over. Oh well, all good things have to come to an end. We are now getting back into the swing of things around here. Josh teaches the next couple days and the girls and I will begin school again. As I hear of snow and cold back in MI it is hot and really dry here. All our nice green grass is brown and dusty. The girls have been busy writing letters to send home. I think they miss everyone right now. Today Lydia heard me ask my mom about my great grandma who was in the hospital and she thought I said grandma was in the hospital. She started crying and was all worried grandma was going to die. You are all missed and loved around here. With that I will talk to you again hopefully next week. Blessings!

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