Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ordinary but Blessed Days

January 28
Sorry I haven’t written much lately. Life has slowed down here. I have been a bit down which I expected with all the excitement of the holidays done. I am just one who looks forward to special things. But I am trying to enjoy the day God has given me. I have nothing to complain about. We are so very blessed.

It is SO hot here (ok I maybe complaining now). All I hear from MI is about the cold and I just wish I could mix our two worlds. It is 90degrees in our house each day and a lot hotter out in the sun. It is dry and windy too – really windy like a hair drier. Our grass is now brown and dusty. Hopefully just another month before the rain comes again.

We took care of Nico, our team mates Bobby and Rachel’s new adopted son, for a few days this week. They had to go to Kenya so they could renew their visas and because Nico doesn’t have a passport yet he stayed back with us. Nico is one year old and Luka really enjoyed being the big brother. He played great with him. Nico got a lot of attention between the girls and Luka. The girls were so helpful. Nico would play and laugh with the kids but only look shyly with no expression at Josh and I. Every day he got more comfortable though. It was busy. Thankfully Josh helped a lot because I taught all four days this week. We were glad we could help our team mates (who took care of our girls when we had to go to Kenya when Luka was sick) and get to know Nico more.

I was so blessed yesterday by Tabitha. She has now been in our lives for almost four years. She always talks about how well behaved our kids are and likes how we raise them. Yesterday she said again how people here will just beat their children but how I talk to them. She said that her kids (nieces and nephew she took in) now see her as their mother and it is only because of my example that she knows how to be a good mom. Wow, that is the best compliment someone could give me. I am making a difference. Someone is watching and learning. I pray everyday that God will use me to be a witness but struggle with the fact that I am usually home. But Tabitha is here with me seeing me interact with my kids in a godly manner. Praise God! If one life here is touched so they now live according to God’s ways, it is a job well done.

Josh has also been seeing God at work through his ministries. A couple months ago he was able to lead a blind man to Christ. He when to visit him again the other day and was blessed to hear how Jesus has changed not only his life but his families too. His neighbors said he is now clean, comes to church each week, stopped drinking, and now has money for feed and school his family. Isn’t that exciting?! Not just a heart change but a life change. That is why we have come. Jesus makes all the difference.

Josh has also been teaching on marriage in one of the villages. We have found that godly marriages are VERY hard to find here and sexual immorality is the norm. After Josh’s teaching we are confirmed again that we have found an area of great need. The men and women have been, I think, blown away, touched, and very challenged by the Biblical teaching on marriage. Women are very oppressed, misused, and even abused here. They said that if the men put into practice this teaching marriage would change. The men said that families are a mess here and want Josh to come and teach to the whole community. The men had the assignment of telling their wives why they loved them. For most (all?) of them it was the first time to say I love you to their wives. Now, we have to see what the Holy Spirit does. Will they take what God says and do it? I am excited to see marriages transformed by the Lord. This is what we need. It really is foundational for the church to grow here. I pray these church leaders become example of godly marriages for the church and community to learn from.

Hey, some other exciting news. We are proud new aunt and uncle! Josh’s sister and husband, Ryan and Rebeka, had their first baby on Thursday. Reka is nine pounds eight ounces with lots of black hair and big cheeks. Adorable! We just wish we could hold her. It is hard to be away at times like this. To miss out on celebrating with the family. Ah, this is when missions is a sacrifice. Grace too said it makes her want to be in MI. Our girls are super excited about their new cousin. We are very happy for Ryan and Rebeka (and G & G who now have a grandchild in MI) and pray God blesses every new day with their baby girl.

Last week the girls had a sleepover at Avalien’s house which they thought was the best. It is pretty special to have their cousin here. Our team also had a day away together at the pool in Mbale. The kids had so much fun swimming together (so did the Dads). We all enjoyed our Indian supper too. It is a blessing to have a mission family to fellowship with.

I am almost finished reading through my Bible again – that is something to celebrate! Yet I realized how much more I need. I have so much to learn and so many ways I need to grow. I love how each time I read though God’s Word new things stand out and teach me – it is alive and active. I pray that as I read it dwells in me. I want to be a doer of the Word. I long to remember all God has spoken to me. From the many people I have talked to in the past couple years I am very saddened by how many Christian have never read through the Word of God. How can this be? We say we are Christ followers but don’t know what we are following or how to follow. Wake up Christians! Who is your first love? Long for Jesus! His Word is for you – the story of your salvation, instructions, promises… So many Christians wonder why their lives are the way they are. The answers are all there for us – how to live, truth, results of sin, healing and peace, and God’s blesses. Open your Bibles dear children of God! (Sorry, I just can’t help it. I am passionate about what I know is true and good.)

I’d like to end with some verses from Jonah that God used to speak to me this week.
- Jonah 1:3 = Jonah thought he could run away from God – he really believed he could. I think he thought God was only in Israel. Back then (and maybe now) it was thought that gods where territorial. This place had this god and another place was the place of this god… Just an interesting insight.
- 1:16 = God used Jonah’s sin of disobedience and running from God to save the sailors. Jonah’s confession of sin and seeing God’s powerful acts brought the men to fear God. God can even use bad for His glory.
- Chapter 2 has some powerful words from the darkness of the whale. Jonah remembered God in his distress and cried out to Him. God answered and saved him. How many people are in the pit right now? God is waiting for their cry for help. Remember God and call to Him. His grace is there for all of us.
2:2 “In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me. From the dept of the grave I called for help. And you listened to my cry.”
2:6 “But you brought my life up from the pit, O Lord my God.”
2:7 “I remembered You, Lord.”
- 2: 8 “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” How many of us desire something other than God and forfeit His grace?

Last but not least a couple verses from Amos 3 & 4, “Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say His is. Hate evil, love good, maintain justice in the courts.” Amen.

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