Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekly Update

April 9, 2011 I forgot to tell you about the well drilling project we visited last week. Our friends in Soroti, Rick and Sherry, are here for five month working on hand dug wells. One of the wells they are working on is in Obule where Josh teaches. Through Josh’s connection Rick began a well project there. The people in Obule are different. They seem to be really genuine and willing to try new things. I thing God is working in the people of Obule. We are excited about it all. So we went to see them working on the well. It was so cool! Four guys pull a rope while two guys hold the pipe and drill piece and water/mud sprays all over them (I know I am not doing justice to this and lack technical words so see the pictures for the full story). I loved seeing the community involved and excited and Rick and his heart for this project. Water is a gift. They named the well Grace and they gave it the verse from John 14:14. One man even wrote a song and they sung it for us. I was so glad I went to see it all. We went again yesterday and they were about ready to put the pump on top. We had a meeting so we couldn’t stay but hope to see it Sunday – and drink from it!

We visited a baby ostrich the other day. Have you ever seen a baby ostrich? Touched one? Oh, the interesting things you get to do living in Africa. They are big even being little. Feel funny too – not feathers yet. It was very curious and liked my nail polish on my toes and necklace which scared my kids. And that was the end of that. Animals are not this family’s thing.

Our team is now down to us, Kaisers, and Jennifer. Everyone else is visiting the States or preparing to come. It is different but we have all enjoyed our intimate time together. Last week we had a meeting with our friends from England on Meyers Briggs stuff – finding out our personality types and how it works with the team. It was such a blessing we had them again yesterday to talk about how our personalities work with our spiritual lives. What a lot of insight about each other. I know it has helped all of us. After both meeting we had supper together. Last night we grilled burgers and played games. It was fun to laugh with everyone.

This morning I had a breakfast Bible study with the ladies (ladies from our team and a few other missionaries here). Everyone is really enjoying our times in God’s Word together. And who doesn’t like going out for breakfast with girlfriends? We were going to take a break Wednesday since we met twice this week but everyone wants to meet again. It really is exciting how every time you read God’s Word it speaks to you. Studying it verse by verse has helped me a lot. We just sit back and see what God has to teach us. We are now studying Abraham and it is clear already the cycles of sin and the love of our God.

I saw the father-in-law of my Indian friend today and asked how they were. He said they were in Kampala because the girl was poisoned. So sad – evil -- but common here. They think it happened at school and that maybe a jealous business owner did it (because they own a successful business). She is doing ok but they will not being coming back to Soroti but will live in Kampala. I am bummed. She was my friend. Pray with me for them. I know God can use anything to draw people to Him.

We had a nice night away this week. I enjoyed my visit to a home school co-op there. Felt I learned some to do’s and some don’ts. It was really nice to meet the teachers and talk with them about mission life, teams, and culture. We have so much in common. Our kids loved swimming of course and their hair shows it – green! It is good to get away and leave everything behind for awhile. I need to get away from my house to let the to do list go. It was nice to play in the pool, use the treadmill, soak in the hot tub, and eat at new restaurants (a new Westerner style coffee and food!). And of course the championship game – we wont go there. Thankfully Josh still had a great birthday!

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