Sunday, May 29, 2011

People take time

May 29
It seems days, weeks, and months go by so quickly. I am busy teaching my children, corresponding with family and supporters, making meals for friends and visitors here, taking care of my family, ministering to people, helping, praying… I really love my role but this last month I have realized that people take time. Literally we have people over about three times a week lately for meals. I am not complaining! So many people have thanked us for being a rock out here, someone they can come to for support and help. I am thankful people know they are welcomed and that I can bless them with the gift of a good meal. It is something I can do. I know Josh and I have come along way from those first years on the mission field (almost 10 years ago!) and now we are at a place to help those who are struggling. It is a spiritual, emotional, and physical journey. Sometimes, to be honest, I get weary and wonder who is going to fill me up. I have learned God is my refreshment, renewal, and strength to keep on loving. He is my peace and joy when I feel spent. So after a week of helping, blessing, and giving to my family and friends I am thankful I know it is worth the investment cause people take time.

As many of you know our teammate Jennifer has been sick all week. At first we thought her back had gotten worse from falling off the motorcycle (read about it on previous blog post) but then she got a fever and was sick. So Beckie took her to Kampala to be checked at the clinic there. There found out she had malaria and treated her. The next day she had an x-ray which showed her back bones were all ok. However, Jennifer has been sick off and on all week. They stayed in Jinja with friends and went back to the clinic several times for more labs and IV. Thankfully, finally today she is feeling better, the labs are all clear, and she is able to eat again. Thank you for praying everyone! It is so stressful and worrisome when someone is sick here. But once again God is the great healer.

Josh has been doing a lot of teaching lately. They had another graduation. I am so thankful for how God is using these teachings to reach church leaders. Lives are being changed by putting God’s Word into practice! One lady in Obule after the marriage and family course went home and did what she learned. She didn’t tell her husband a thing because he is not a Christian. But a few weeks after applying what God tells wives to do her husband came up to her and said who are you? He couldn’t believe the change in her. She told him where she learned this and now her unbelieving husband and telling others how good God is. God is at work through people who are willing to obey His ways!

Again we are learning that Christianity is so new here. We now know two men who were the first Christians to two areas around Soroti. They brought Christianity to those areas and they are only in their 60’s. It is no wonder we have to start with what we think are the basics. That is why there are many Christians but it is still so shallow. How we pray this generation now models and passes on Christ to the next generation.

We talked to Tabitha last week and asked if she and Irene had any plan for when the baby came. They don’t. So we talked. Tabitha thought that they could get someone to watch the baby so Irene could go to school. Problem is they have no money to pay someone to help and the baby needs it’s mother – for sure to eat! We told her that Irene will have to take two years off of school. Tabitha was not happy about that. We talked about how Irene has responsibilities now. Tabitha said Irene is looking to her. We talked more about adoption too. By the end of the conversation Tabitha was crying and I am sure stressed, but they have to think and plan because this baby is coming. We prayed with her and told her to talk to Irene and pray together.

So this week Irene came to drop something off and I asked if her and Tabitha had talked. She said no so I sat her down to talk. I basically said the same things I said to Tabitha. I asked if she knew what adoption was and that I just wanted her to pray about it so we know what God wants for her and the baby. Irene again told me she does not want the baby and wants to go to school.

Then yesterday I asked Tabitha why she hadn’t talked to Irene and told her I did. I told her what Irene said and asked if adoption was an option for them. She said no that is only if the mother dies. I really think it would be shameful culturally or Tabitha wants the baby. Anyways, pray with us for God to show them His will for them and for the baby.

On the home front we have twelve more days of school! Another highlight was when Luka prayed this week he said, “Jesus, I love you” all on his own. How beautiful. Tomorrow we are going to Kampala. We will be picking up our new teammates, Jim and Margaret Guzzaldo and their son Elliot. Pray for them as they move to Uganda. We are also looking forward to some time away as a family. Pray for our trip.

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