Tuesday, May 24, 2011


May 24

Hi, just a quick note to ask for prayer.

Our teammate Jennifer, who fell off the motorcycle with Josh a week ago, went to Kampala today because her back was getting worse last night. The latest is, she spent the day at the clinic and was treated for malaria and dehydration by IV (she got a fever and throw up during the night). By evening she was feeling much better. The doctor thinks that the malaria caused the increase in back pain but we still want her to get a c-scan or at least an x-ray before returning to Soroti. Pray for Jennifer.

I am down and discouraged – just feel like being done with it all and everyone. I know it is a bad attitude and I will get over it. I spent some much needed time confessing my attitude to God and being renewed by Him. Continue to pray for all of us as we face spiritual battle here.

(I put this one in parentheses because it is really nothing in the scheme of things but I need to let it out and pray about it knowing God has a plan either way. Anyways, our mission was given the use of an amazing cabin in the mountains of CO for seven missionaries to each get one week to use it free of charge. Josh and I try to get away together each time we go to MI and we were ones chosen to have the cabin for a week. We were excited because we have at least enough frequent flyer miles for one ticket plus, but this week we found out everything is booked and expensive. Now we have to decide if we want to pay for tickets there or scrap the whole thing. Like I said I know it is not a big deal but on top of everything else this week it feels like a big bummer. BUT I know God will make away there or give us another destination. He loves our marriage more than I even do.)

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