Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Back in Uganda

Just a note to let all of you know we made it back to Uganda. We know many of you were praying for us and you need to know God was with us the whole trip once again. In big and little ways we saw God faithfulness through our journey.

We managed to leave our home in Michigan on Saturday with all our luggage packed and the house cleared out. Our goodbyes were peace-filled. Flying went very well and we even got extra seats. We had a 11 hour lay over in London and were able to enjoy a break swimming and sleeping at a hotel. Our kids are awesome! They are great travelers and even with all the change going on they are still smiling and filling our lives with joy.

We arrived in Uganda this morning - Grace's 6th birthday! In some ways it feels like we have been gone a long time and need to remember how things work here; in other ways we just jump right back into things here. Adjusting will take time. Right now we are just trying to stay awake until tonight when everything in us wants to curl up and go to sleep. We plan to drive to Soroti tomorrow and be to our home by afternoon. Looking forward to being home and seeing our team again.

We are so thankful for God's presence with us! Thanks for praying for us! What a comfort and what strength it gives us. We are blessed because of you. Continue to pray for us as we travel again tomorrow and adjust in the weeks to come. I will send this out but will send a bigger update to everyone later so spead the word that we arrived. Thanks again everyone!

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