Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unpacked & Settling In

October 22, 2011

If you haven’t heard we are back in Uganda and doing well. We were blessed with peaceful goodbyes and good flights. The kids were sick the first morning in Uganda but God healed them quickly. So many answers to prayers we have seen. God is with us! We are very thankful to be back to our home in Soroti.

In some ways it feel like we just go on where we have left off and things seem normal (for here), but in other ways we have to adjust again and relearn what it is like to live here. All in all things are going very well. The kids seem happy to be home. Luka calls it “my other house”. The girls just screamed when we arrived and were even excited about seeing their front door. They are all thrilled to have their things again – feels like all new toys after being away for three months. Our team and Tabitha had our house ready for us. It is so nice to come back to a nice, clean home (we use to come home to all dust here and in Nigeria). I managed to unpack in a weeks time – even without stressing. There is still some organizing to do but we will get to it eventually. And yes, I got the Fall decorations out and up! I just had to, I love it.

I was getting the classroom ready to start teaching next week and it is making the girls excited. Grace is even counting down the days and asks to start everyday. I am so glad they look forward to beginning. They love playing but need some structured time too. Luka loves Tabitha so hopefully that will work well when school begins.

We enjoyed having our new and old teammates over to catch up on life and ministry and to help and get to know our new teammates better. We had friends over last night and had a fun game night together. Everyone has welcomed us back with meals and other goodies. It is a blessing to have this missionary community to come back to.

I guess that is it for now. Nothing too exciting. I am excited however that the repairman came from Kampala and fixed our washing machine! It had a rats nest in the wires and the wires were chewed on. Of course nothing is a simple fix, now the plumbing has issues that need fixing before we can use the washer. One more thing for the “to do list”. Josh has already fixed a toilet and has a moldy closet that need cement work. So many little things, or big things like getting his motorcycle running again and the van’s 4 wheel drive to work again. All in good time. Thankfully Josh hasn’t started teaching yet and is willing to help around here before he does. (Sorry about that I just realized I made a whole paragraph about nothingness.)

Thanks again for your loving prayers!

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