Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Really Thankful?

November 23

I really need a break from Thanksgiving baking (three pumpkin pies from scratch – I mean start with the pumpkin from scratch – sweet potato casserole, turkey decorated cupcakes…) so I fill you in a minute on our week. I believe God has been testing my thankfulness. (Or satan is trying to destroy my thankful heart.)

It all started when we got the news that Grandma Shaarda died. It is a celebration knowing she is with the Lord but also hard for us to grieve so far away. We were in Kampala (capital city six hours from Soroti) and wanted to be back by Sunday so we could prepare for and enjoy the holiday week, but our van was being fixed and surprise, surprise wasn’t fixed on time. This is about the fifth mechanic to try to fix our air conditioner and several other smaller things. We have put a lot of time and money into our AC problem and every new mechanic we have high hopes for but end up unhappy. When the mechanic called Saturday and promised he would have it ready Monday morning we decided to stay and get it done right. But as the mechanic was bringing the van to us Monday (so he says) something else broke and so he asked for two more hours. This is not a good sign…

Four hours later and no van, Josh was about beside himself. Amazingly I stayed calm. There was nothing we could do so I gave it to God. I sent up many help us prayers. I know it sounds funny but we really needed our van, wanted to get to Soroti, and were beginning to not trust this mechanic. Not to mention we had now been away from home four days, spend a lot of money, and had no where to stay that day or night. We sat on the porch of where we had been staying with all of our stuff waiting…all day. I was so proud of the kids. They just played and went along with the flow. At least we got to take a walk and get pizza and ice cream. But poor Josh was going crazy doing nothing and being stuck away from home and ministry. Thankfully, God keeps one at peace when one is upset in our marriage relationship.

Josh finally went to the shop where the van was about 5:30pm after the mechanic turned off his phone because we had called too much. We were worried he was lying to us – our worries were confirmed. When Josh got to the shop our van was still in pieces. Josh was either irate or overwhelmed and about to cry I couldn’t tell on the phone. But Josh doesn’t get like that much so I know he was to his end.

I called to get a place to stay for the night and Josh got a cab to pick us up and take us there. Thankfully we could get into a nice place where we could enjoy the night as a family. Josh and I watched football while the girls played on the playground and Luka napped (late nap!). We ordered supper and later watched a movie while Josh exercised. By the end of the night Josh said he felt a lot better.

We had a nice morning but as the clock ticked Josh’s stomach became knots again. Again there was nothing we could do so I sat before the Lord in prayer. He has a good plan for us. We finally got our van and were on the road by noon.

But this is when I lost it. We were no more than an hour away and our new AC stopped working! I was so upset I didn’t know weather to get mad or cry! We just spend almost 2million shillings to have this fixed, we wasted days away from home, and this mechanic lied to us. I wanted to leave this country now! Quit it all and go where I can get things fixed and where life is easier. (I told you I was beside myself.)

I sat there and thought, “Nice thankful heart Mandy. Where is your thankfulness when things get ruff?” I prayed for God to help me change. As the miles went by in our hot van, we saw a couple trucks along the road that had been in accidents. It seemed to say to me, “You have so much to be thankful for.” It is true. I am so blessed – even without AC.

A little while later I decided to try the AC again – it worked! I don’t know why or if it was a gift from God but we road with sweatshirt all the way home!

When we got home I was overcome with thankfulness. I love our home and was so glad to be there! I don’t know if our AC will continue to work but I know God taught me it isn’t always easy to be thankful but we always have something to be thankful for. I know my Father and that makes my heart thankful.

Hope all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving thanking your Father. Can’t wait to tell you all about our Thanksgiving soon – 31 people will be here!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, little did we know what you would all go through when we said goodbye! We REALLY enjoyed our time with your family and we miss you all. You are in our thoughts and prayers as you all celebrate Thanksgiving Tomorrow. Love and Hugs, The Fishers
