Saturday, December 17, 2011


Dec. 17

What a great week. Sunday night we had Sliedretchs and Tiesingas over and had a fondu candlelight dinner. We put the kids to bed and enjoyed an adult supper. It was so good – steak, pork, chicken, battered mushrooms, onions, and pineapple…and ice cream with hot fudge and crushed candy canes for dessert. Yummy! It is a treat to sit and enjoy a long meal and talk without interruptions.

I celebrated my 33rd birthday on Thursday! Josh gave me a break from teaching so I had a nice long morning, in the afternoon we had a team meeting but they did sing to me, for supper the kids had a special dessert and gifts, and after they were in bed Josh and I had a mini date in front of the Christmas tree with appetizer and more dessert. I am so thankful. God is my Father who loves me, made me, saved me, called me, leads me, protects me, fills me, and blessed me with my family and many others who have shaped my life. God is in control of my life and holds the plan. I celebrate where He has brought me to today. To Him be the glory. Can’t wait to see how He fills and leads me this year.

Last night we had everyone – I think 37 people – over for candlelight Christmas carols. The program was full of scripture reading and Christmas songs. It sounded so beautiful!!! I love singing Christmas carols! The kids also got dressed up and formed the nativity. We had 20 adorable shepherds, angles, wise men, Mary, Joseph, and even two baby Jesus’ (one baby got sick of sitting in the basket so the other baby took over). Lydia was an angle, Grace was Mary, and Luka was a wise men. We also had a time where families or individuals could share a song, dance, play an instrument… Lydia and Grace did a dance to “Away in a Manger”. They did a great job. Bobbie and Rachel sang the whole genealogy of Jesus. The whole night was a wonderful night of worship and fellowship. After the program everyone brought Christmas goodies to eat. Maybe you think I go overboard on Christmas stuff here but the truth is you have to make Christmas here. If you don’t you could totally forget it is Christmas time. Ok, you would know by the decorations for sale at the supermarket but in the culture there is nothing until Christmas Day. I want to celebrate and remember Jesus birth all month! How thankful I am to have friends to worship my Savior with.

I was thinking this week of the line in the song Joy to the World, “let every heart prepare Him room…” How sad that we need to prepare room in our hearts for Jesus. More than sad, we need to repent of this. God commands us to love Him with ALL our heart, soul, and mind. All means 100%. If we have to make room then Christ doesn’t have 100%. Forgive us God for filling our hearts with so many other things that there is little or no room for You. We have loved things, money, business, self, entertainment, sports, people, jobs…and it has left less than 100% for you. We need You. You’re the gift we need again this Christmas. And it is free! Remove everything in our hearts until there is room for 100% of You.

Grace lost her top front tooth this week. She was really excited and looks pretty cute too. We have all had sinus colds around here (the whole community). Everyone thinks it is because the rains have stopped and dry season has started. So instead of snow and cold for Christmas we get dust and heat! Josh thought he broke his toe this week running. He kicked a stump and the toe was all black and blue and swollen. (Yes, he had shoes on running.) Thankfully, God answered prayer and took most of the pain away and he was able to teach two days this week without pain.

Thanks for all the birthday and Christmas greetings!

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