Friday, December 30, 2011


December 29

One more December update. How quickly Christmas comes and goes. I realized how much I love anticipation. Although Christmas is done I still have so much joy in my heart and look forward to a new year.

We had a wonderful and quiet week leading up to Christmas. We had Guzzaldos over for a double in home date. The kids went to bed and we lit the candles, put a fire on the computer (yes, a dvd with all fire places you can watch and listen to), and had a wonderful four course meal. We sat for almost four hours together enjoying each on tray. We finished with chocolate fondu. Everything was so good, special, and fun with the Christmas lights and fellowship. I love those kinds of nights!

Josh made Christmas cookies with the kids. The kids enjoyed it and they taste really good but what a lot of work. I did a lot of baking too. I even made eggless egg nog – and it was good! Lydia helped me make maple bun bars (one of Josh’s favorites) but we didn’t have cook and serve pudding so we had to first make pudding. It didn’t turn out perfect but it was so good. Good thing I made a half a batch or we would gain too much weigh. I had the ladies for coffee on Friday just for fun and made almond cinnamon rolls for the first time and they were a keeper too.

We have been doing advent candles this year and one night Lydia read for us. She read from Revelations when the woman gives birth and the dragon is there to snatch it away. Lydia was so excited about the story and realizing what it was about that she read it again the next day. It was great to see her understanding scripture. Betty ate lunch with us one day and we read 1 John 1. She had never heard that before and liked it so much she wanted to memorize it. I love God’s Word and it is a true joy to see my children and others love it too.

By the way, Luka is now telling us and going to the bathroom (most of the time)! I am so thankful. I prayed he would choose to and he is finally even stops to go potty when he is playing basketball. (But he still asks for a diaper for number 2 – all good things in time I guess.) Luka is really cute how he talks. I often hear him say, “Gwerls!” (girls). He only knows “he” so his sisters are also “he” when he tells on them.

Josh and I wrapped presents about Wednesday night and Lydia was super excited from then on. She would literally just lie in front of the Christmas tree and look at the presents. It was an exciting week. Josh was around most of the time so we tried to make things special and Christmasy. We had friends over and went to friends. The kids loved playing at their cousins where they did slip and slide. Yup, Christmas is different living in Africa.

Finally Christmas Eve came. We baked most of the day preparing for supper and for Christmas Day. We also talked with the grandparents. It was fun but made me want to be two places at once. We stated our family party with the traditional pizza dinner. After supper we opened presents together. Everyone was happy and I enjoyed watching their excitement with each gift. Lydia especially has a lot of joy. Grace’s favorite was her Bell princess dress Lydia found for her at the second hand market here. She put it on and paraded around like a real princess the rest of the night. Lydia loved it all and Luka loved every car and truck and train he got. I really enjoyed our family Christmas. And after the kids were in bed I just sat in front of the tree with Josh thankful (and tired).

Christmas morning we went to church in Obule after putting the ham in the oven. It was suppose to start early so people could get home to prepare food (that is the main way Ugandan celebrate Christmas – eat meat) but when we got there we were the only ones with the pastors. We started anyways and slowly kids came and then some men and eventually the mothers. The singing was joyful and I was glad to be celebrating with our Obule family. Charles led and I see Jesus in him more and more. Josh preached and had everyone all ears. He challenged us with “Do you care?” Do you care for those hurting, abused, broken…around you cause God does. When you care you have faith and action like Mary and Joseph, you risk material things like the shepherds who left their flocks to see Jesus, and they went and told others. It was really exciting today when Josh went back to Obule and they were still talking about the sermon and how it made them think and challenged them.

We ended up leaving church early to get back in time to prepare for our team Christmas party at our house. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner together, exchanged Christmas gifts, played games, and worshiped our new born King with some Christmas carols. It was a fun day. Once it got dark we moved the party inside and enjoyed more games and food. It was 9:30pm by the time everyone left, things were picked up, and our kids were in bed. Even though it was late Josh and I watched the Nativity together. What a beautiful way to end Christmas. It will always touch me to see my Savior as a precious baby. Surprising the world and being honored by the lowly and the kings. Joy to the world the Lord has come!

Now we move on to 2012. Sometimes it is hard for me with every precious year going by so quickly but I am also excited to see all God has planned. I have hope with all His faithful promises to hold on to. May God fill our year!

(Pictures to come as soon as I can get them to upload.)

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