Monday, August 27, 2012

Big Week

August 27
We had a busy week.  All went well but it was just fuller than normal.  Josh was really busy.  Between writing the curriculum for Freedom in Christ and having it translated, working on our paper for a work permit here, team leader stuff, and teaching.  (Not to mention all the time his family takes – Luka loves Daddy time when he comes home!)  He was a bit stressed at one point but the week ended really well. 

Josh has been teaching Freedom in Christ for about 9 months with about 12 people or so and Friday was the day to go through the seven steps to freedom.  For those of you who don’t know the seven steps to freedom is a time of prayer, confession and renouncing sins, false religion practices, idols, generational sins, forgiving others…it is like a spiritual bath.  Forgiveness brings great freedom!  I went with to be a prayer warrior.  I have done the steps years ago so it was also a good bath for me too.  We started about 10:30am and ended around 3pm so it was a long, good, but tiring day.  Josh led each step and then the people would spend time in prayer.  It was evident that God was with us.  His Spirit was at work and it moved me to tears.  People were also crying, down on their knees, lifting their hands in surrender…it was really moving.  I wish you could all be there to experience God at work in people’s lives with us.  After the seven steps they took their papers with all the sins and people to forgive and burnt them.  They joined in praise and worship as their papers burned.  It was beautiful!  Their smiles singing, “I’m so Glad Jesus set me Free” was true praise.  They are free!!!  After the steps we had a celebration meal of posho and pork.  It was one of those days that I thankful to be here and be apart of our friends in Obulle coming to know freedom in Christ.  Exciting!  Thank you for praying with us.         

Saturday I gave a baby shower for Angie and Tanya.  Tanya’s family adopted Kate in April and Angie had Eliana in June.  It is fun to get together as women.  We just talk and laugh.  It can be a challenge getting everyone together but I know we all need it and appreciate it.  There were 9 of us at the shower.  We ate, played a couple games, wrote notes on material to make a quilt for both babies, ate again (dessert J), and talked some more.  I love decorating, organizing, getting together, and blessing people.  So thankful the ladies enjoy it too.

We were supposed to have baptisms at church Sunday, then it changed to Monday and now it is next Sunday.  I have been extremely frustrated with time and planning here the last couple weeks.  I know their culture is different and I may never fully understand some things, but some things would be of great benefit for them and their culture to learn and change.  The waste of time here is a true problem.  But Josh was a great example of getting over our frustration and letting God work through the situation.  God eventually got to my heart too and changed my attitude.  So thankful He is in control over all.
So today (Monday) we got to church at 11am knowing it would never start at nine and Josh had a meeting before we went too.  There were a few church leaders and a handful of youth waiting at church.  We sat and waited with our teammates who were also there.  Lydia led “school” for Grace and the youth while we waited but Luka was kicked out by the teacher for bad behavior.  Youth continued to filter in but no adults.  I said to Josh we can’t have baptism with no parents present.  He talked with the leaders and they decided to teach those being baptized again today but postpone the baptisms till Sunday.  The youth seemed bummed but I was thankful for the leader’s decision.  Josh did a beautiful teaching on being saved through faith in Jesus and why we are baptized.  I also added my encouragement about Jesus being Lord of their lives and growing in Him.  I challenged them to get a Bible and read it every day.  Our pastor asked if anyone wanted to receive Christ (not everyone there was being baptized) and one girl came forward.  One of the female church leaders, our female teammates, and myself took her to talk with her and make sure she understood what she was doing.  The girls name was Florence and she didn’t say much (very common in the culture to play shy and not speak).  We explained to way to salvation and asked if she wanted to receive Jesus.  She said yes so we led her in prayer.  So the day didn’t go as planned and there were no baptisms but God did do a work through the teaching and salvation of Florence.  I just love being apart of God’s work! 

And now we need a day off to rest.  I am so tired.

Baby Shower

The picture the ladies didn't want on my blog but too funny not to share.
Too much fun to stop laughing!

Me & Eliana

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