Friday, August 3, 2012

Lydia's 9th Birthday, Baby and More

Celebrating 18weeks of pregnancy!

Lydia decked out in her presents from her grandparents
Lydia turned 9 July 31!

Lydia and Drew both had birthdays in July so they shared a party. 

We had a birthday carnival to celebrate on July 24

August 3

Wow it has been a long time since I wrote last.  Sorry about that.  I am still tired and feel sick a couple days a week so it keeps me behind on things and unmotivated.  Most days I am feeling well though.  I am about 19 weeks now and in the 5th month of this pregnancy.  No hiding my growing tummy either.  I am so limited on my clothes options out here that it makes me grumpy when it doesn’t fit right and I feel huge or ugly in it.  It is mostly because I have to wear compression tights because my legs ache in pregnancy.  Oh well, I am trying to enjoy this last pregnancy which is getting easier as I feel better.  The kids continue to be super excited for me about the baby.  Luka talks about the baby coming but doesn’t really grasp it all.  I asked him where the baby was and he didn’t know so I told him the baby is in my tummy.  He just laughed and said no it’s not. 
We went into Kampala and had a 3D ultra sound.  I have had more worries about this baby than the others so it was a praise when the doctor said everything was perfect.  All the measurements are on and the due date continues to look like the very end of December.  It is a joy to see our little baby.  The baby was moving around, drinking (opening it’s mouth), and loved having it’s hands by it’s face.  Much to some peoples dismay, we did not find out the sex of the baby.  A surprise ending is always fun for us.  I don’t have much of a feeling weather it is a boy or girl but when we saw the ultra sound I thought boy.  Our first look at the baby it was sleeping with it’s hands up and Josh saw it was just like how Luka sleeps.   Oh, I can feel the baby now too.  It actually started a couple weeks ago but it is so light at this point.  Josh has now also felt the little kick this week.  How thankful we are to God for the miracle inside!     

The other big news is that Lydia turned 9 July 31!  She is such a joy to celebrate.  She loves people, the Lord, and has excitement for all of life.  What a blessing!  It is hard to see her grow up so fast yet we are thankful for the godly girl she is.  We has a birthday carnival for her and Drew last week.  Our team and other friends came to celebrate with us.  I love being creative and it was fun to do.  We has lots of games, prizes, snacks, a clown, and of course cake and presents.  Lydia was in her glory.  We were in Kampala on her actual birthday so we went out to eat and gave her our gift and one from her grandparents. 

The girls also finished school!  Hard to believe they will be in 2nd and 4th next year.  I am so thankful we accomplished another year and that the girls did so well.  Our teammate’s niece was here and help teach our kids the last few weeks.  I am really enjoyed having a break.  It was fun just having Luka around in the morning.  He plays so good.  The girls will be going to the Christian school while we are in MI so that will be special for all of us.  I am still praying and trusting God for future help with teaching our girls. 

Speaking of Michigan, we have a little over 7 weeks until we go.   Some days it is hard to believe and others I just can’t wait.  This is our home and work but it will sure be nice to have a break and be with family.  Because we are having a baby we will be home from Oct. to Feb. (about 5 months).  I am thankful for time to just be “normal” and although Josh also looks forward to being in MI being there that long is hard for him.  He loves the ministry here.  Needless to say, the girls are so very excited to go.  Every time we go to MI there are some mix emotions leaving here but I know it is just a break and then we will be back here.  So I enjoy our time in MI because I know it is just for a short time. We are praying for a wonderful 7 weeks of ministry and time with our team and friends before we go.  

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