Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pray for me

Oct. 23
I have a prayer request. Last week I told you that my glucose test came back just fine but now it is a different story. Thursday the doctors office called and said my sugar was high and that I would have to see a diabetic councilor to know what to do. I was so confused. The nurse said I failed my three hour glucose test and have gestational diabetes. She said it is serious and effects everything from my brain, eyes, to the baby. Unfortunately, she didn’t tell me what to do other than wait for the hospital to call to set up an appointment with the councilor. I was quite shocked and very bummed. I didn’t want to deal with this. I didn’t want to give up sweets while in Michigan and during the holidays. I wanted to cry.

I knew most of my sadness came from selfish reasons but I also worried. Would the baby be ok, too big, would I have to have a c-section, would I be diabetic my whole life, how can I poke myself everyday…? So I stopped and chose put my trust in God. He was with me and in control. I have nothing to fear. God made my body and our baby and He is able to help us through this. I also praised Him. We are not dying nor do we have any serious disease. We have so much to be thankful for.  

Soon the hospital called but they wanted to get me in two weeks later. I said what do I do for two weeks? She told me not to eat any sweets, fruit drinks and regular pop, stay away from carbs, eat three meal and three snacks a day, and I can eat meat and cheese. She said she would try to get me in earlier too. Two days later she called again and got me in on Monday.

Instantly my eating habits changed and it was hard. Temptation was all around me! We were camping and the first day the family had ice cream, there were donuts out for all to eat, there was a potluck with desserts galore, and the family finished the night with smores. It is hard not eating sweets and watching your carb intake.

So yesterday I had my two hour appointment with the diabetic councilor to learn how to test my blood and how to eat. I was glad Josh went with me to help me with all of this. I admit I was all worried when I had to prick myself and was afraid I might faint, but I was pleasantly surprised how little it hurt and how easy it was. I have to test my blood four times a day so I better get use to it. We went over a meal plan too. I do get to eat quite a bit it is just choosing the right things to eat. (It really made us realize how bad people eat and how many people are at high risk of diabetes.) It will take thinking and discipline. The difficult part will be when we are away from home or out to eat.

It has been less than 24 hours since then but I have already tested my blood three times and they have all been in the normal range. Must be going good so far! Pray for me as I make this life style change. If I stick to my food plan the baby and I should be fine. It is a benefit that I exercise and am not over weight. The only thing I was on the at risk list was over 25 years old. My doctor will keep a close eye on me and the baby too. And in almost all cases of gestational diabetes it goes away after the birth of the baby.

Mom Shaarda also had her back surgery yesterday. It was about 2 and a half hours long and seemed to be successful. If all is well she will go home already today. (Just found out all is not going well and she is in too much pain to go home today.) Pray for her during the next 6 weeks of recovery.

We had a great time camping! It was fall weather with on and off rain and chilly temps but it didn’t stop us from having a good time. And thankfully we had a nice tailor to keep us warm and dry. The kids had so much fun with their cousins and doing all the activities. We played games by the fire in the fellowship room, played ball and ping pong in the gym, craved pumpkins, trick-or-treated, line danced, had camp fires… Camping is great and we made wonderful memories.

We have sung and heard the song 10,000 Reasons many times and every time our family just looks at each other and smiles. It reminds all of us of Elliot and our whole team. We miss and love you all!

The other day Lydia said to us, “sometimes I don’t understand kids here.” I asked her why and she said because they are mean to each other. We had a good talk about how God wants us to treat others and how she can be a good influence.

Now you are updated. Thanks for your continued prayers! (Cause there are sweets and food everywhere you go in this country so I will need prayer to not eat them!) We are thankful to God for His love over us and the way He is working here. Josh and I will be flying to Colorado this weekend for a get away together. We thank God for his love for our marriage and providing this time together. Pray for our kids and their uncle and aunt as they watch them. Blessing!

I realized I may have never put our speaking schedule on the blog so here it is incase you want to come and hear us speak.

Speaking Schedule in MI
Oct. 14 Kellogesville CRC am service
Nov. 4 Ivanrest CRC am services

Nov. 11 Calvin CRC (Mc Bain) am service

Prosper CRC pm service

Nov. 18 Cadillac CRC am service

Nov. 25 Rudyard CRC am service
Dec. 2 Jamestown CRC am service

Dec. 9 Highland CRC am service

Dec. 16 East Martin CRC am service

Dec. 23 Vogel Center CRC am service
Jan. 6 Faith Community CRC am service

Jan. 13 Lake City CRC am service

Jan. 20 Roosevelt Park CRC am service

Jan. 27 Friendship CRC (Gaylord) am service
Feb. 3 Lucas CRC am service

Mc Bain CRC afternoon service

Feb. 10 Georgetown CRC am services




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